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View Full Version : Problem with delphix

13-08-2004, 05:42 PM
First I am no programming hot shot, I just know a bit so need help.

I am using delphix and got it to install properly on Delphi 7 enterprise. I cannot do the same with undelphix and am using directx 9c is there any way to do it?

Also the biggest problem I have. Delphix timer uses 100% of the cpu regardless and that makes a massive slow down, my game is not doing very much so why should i have to put up with all the jerks and bumps in my game? if someone knows how to make delphix timer use less procesing power let me know:)

and thanks whoever made undelphix and delphix cause you did a great job:):):)

13-08-2004, 07:06 PM
It seems that the last version of UnDelphiX is Delphi7 compatible, check the turbo link at the bottom of the page. Any decently precise timer should take up 100% CPU just by checking if it's already the time you want, and as it should give time to other threads there's really no need to leave the CPU idle. And besides it's not likely that anyone would need responsive background processes while running a game.

13-08-2004, 07:58 PM
High there,

if you want us to help you it would be nice if you could explain the problem a little more. What's the problem installing UnDelphiX?

Concerning the timer I guess this is necessary to give precise accurance in games. If your game would only get processor time here and then, the game would not run smooth, but with lags in graphics display.


13-08-2004, 10:06 PM
Thanks ppl, I have worked out how to install, was easy:) and I am using the thread timer now which seems to be better ;)

anyone know of any more decent timers i could try?

ohhhhh yeah and i cannot get my usb playstation joypad which supports force feedback to work at all with the input module in delphix, tried the examples like the one with the machine gun....absolutely nothing, i can't even get the axis to work leta lone the buttons to register. Maybe it is not compatible with delphix, though it certainly is with directx so quite puzzling :(

EDIT2: I have got axis to work but other buttons and force feedback no chance :(