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View Full Version : Full release???

26-08-2004, 07:43 PM
By the way.. I am missing a post saying what about a full releade of PowerDraw 3 (final) or Asphyre coming soon....

It is months ago since lifepower posted something like "we are on it"...

Is the project dead??

I would like to hear something like "the final release is expected in ....." but there is nothing....

Hmmmm..... should I spend more time on it or not?????

26-08-2004, 08:04 PM
If you look more thoroughly you'll see many "why isn't it out yet" complains which really annoy its author. Basically it'll be out "when it's done" until stated otherwise.

27-08-2004, 04:58 AM
I know that there are such posts, but they are quite old... And so I was wondering if lifepower and his friend are still working on it...
But I think I have to be more patient :-)

27-08-2004, 02:24 PM
Check "Last updated" dates in source files... and the tools that are being developed *now*. Sorry there're no examples or demo programs, but I'm currently updating VTDbTool, updating help files and fixing some issues in Software Renderer.

27-08-2004, 06:56 PM
Thanks, its good to know that you are still on it :o)

I will take a look on it!