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View Full Version : Infinity Explorer

22-09-2004, 03:35 AM
You guys(/gals?) might find this interesting. Recently updated, but said to be the last release; Infinity Explorer is a project created by Dmitry Jemerov.

Infinity Explorer is a game data browser for games built with the BioWare Infinity Engine. Currently there are four games using that engine:

* Baldur's Gate;
* Planescape: Torment;
* Icewind Dale;
* Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn.

The current version of Infinity Explorer can display the following types of game data:

* Dialogs (*.DLG);
* AI scripts (*.BSC);
* Static graphics (*.MOS, *.BMP);
* Animations (*.BAM);
* Area maps (*.MAP) and area contents (*.ARE);
* Text data files (*.INI, *.2DA, *.IDS);
* Creatures (*.CRE);
* Items (*.ITM);
* Spells (*.SPL);
* User interface screens (*.CHU);
* World maps (*.WMP);
* Store files (*.STO);
* Saved games;
* Planescape: Torment quests.

Support for other data types will be added in future versions.

Infinity Explorer supports exporting graphics to the following formats:

* Windows Bitmap (*.BMP);
* Animated GIF (*.GIF);
* JPEG (*.JPG).

This is a great little tool to help understand how the 'professionals' package their game data. It is written in Object Pascal and is licenced under the GPL. The homepage is located here (http://infexp.sourceforge.net/).