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View Full Version : If someone gave You a Million Bucks what would You Make?

23-03-2012, 11:43 PM
So I recently contributed in funding Double Fine and 2 Player Game's recently successful Kickstarter point and click Adventure game project (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/66710809/double-fine-adventure). I got a free copy of the game and I get a copy of the documentary in HD as my reward. It earned over $3.3 million dollars! That's a lot of cheddar. :p

So because of this they are going to be porting it to all the platforms, putting it back into voice acting and making the game all that much better.


So what kind of game would you do if you got a million buck from a Kickstarter project to do it?

23-03-2012, 11:57 PM
Myself, I would of course finally get Garland's Quest (http://www.garlandsquest.com/) finished. :)

24-03-2012, 09:31 AM
i would make more then one game with a budgetrange of 10k-100k :)
when i really has to spend the million at ones maybe i would make a game i like the most and ignore the profit

maybe a uber-mega-monster cavecrawling rpg like recettear, dark clouds, fate...
or a pokemon/jade cocoon style game with a big atmospheric monsterworld