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View Full Version : Parenscript

13-10-2004, 11:09 AM
Parenscript is an open source, OO scripting language intended for developing web-based apps, including multiplayer board games and animated RPGs (as well as databases). Its reusable software components allow non-programmers to create drag-and-drop games and more.

I intend to commence with the implementation of the Parenscript compiler this weekend. Should you wish to learn more about Parenscript, and/or participate in its development, please visit zeologic.com (http://www.zeologic.com).

15-10-2004, 12:43 AM
Quite an interesting project. I'm currious would you be able to use Parenscript in a OpenGL/DirectX/SDL type of program? Will there be much of a speed consideration for this kind of use?

15-10-2004, 07:29 AM
I was planning to get Parenscript working with web-based board games before attempting the more daunting task of getting it to work with web-based, animated RPGs (which would require that I learn about OpenGL/DirectX, etc.).

As for speed considerations, the animation engine will be coded in Delphi, so I don't think speed will be too much of a problem. Parenscript, like Java, is a compiler/interpreter, where the source code is translated into paren-code (what Java folks call byte-code) at compile time, and the paren-code is interpreted at run-time. Parenscript also makes heavy use of reusable software components, written in both Delphi as well as in Parenscript.

Any Delphi Game Developers out there interested in using their game programming skills to help me develop the Parenscript animation engine are invited to visit www.zeologic.com (http://www.zeologic.com) and click on Parenscript, then Role Playing Games.