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View Full Version : Converting pSDL_COLOR to TColor/Cardinal and back

30-05-2012, 10:09 AM
How do i convert pSDL_Color to TColor or Cardinal, and how do i convert Cardinal/TColor to pSDL_COLOR?
Are there any functions, maybe even in SDL which i can use?

Thanks for help.

Super Vegeta
30-05-2012, 10:48 AM
If by Cardinal, you mean a color in $RRGGBB format, then just (*, +) or (shl, or) the components of sdl's color.

Function SDL_ColorToUInt(Col:PSDL_Color):Longword;
begin Exit((Col^.R shl 16) or (Col^.G shl 8) or (Col^.B)) end;

Function Make_PSDL_Color(Num:LongWord):PSDL_Color;
Var Col:PSDL_Color;
begin New(Col);
Col^.R:=Num shr 16;
Col^.G:=Num shr 8;