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View Full Version : [GAME] Math Warrior - and education game :)

14-09-2012, 06:49 PM
hey everyone,

i bet its been a while i posted something bigger here so its been a good proof that im still around and working on my games :D

i developed a small education game with ZenGL and have already released it to Google Play
since its a part of my exam wich proves that you rarely will get a download when you dont do any advertising, posting here is the first step to promote my game ;)
it really feels great to publish something on Google Play, i would recommend for anyone to release at least one game there

please do my a favor by installing and trying the game at least once when you got an android device
i really appreciate your support and i wait for you feedback

due to the lag of time i wouldnt be able to make use of your feedback until the 20. but be sure it will be read :)

here is a small description of Math Warrior and some screenies:

Math Warrior is a completly free education Game with 6 difficulty Level.
It features 12 Level total and the difficulty gets up every second Level.

You need to protect Your Village from the incoming Intruders and blow them away with the Power of your Mind!
Every defeated Enemy gives you Scorepoints based on how fast you had beat them.

In the easiest Level You only need to summate two numbers between one and nine,
while in the hardest Level you have to multiply four numbers between one and nine.

With its easiness and low complexity Math Warrior is easy to play but hard to Master!
This makes Math Warrior a learning Game for Kids and older.
Even Elderlies will having fun of training their Brain in such a simple way.

Enjoy the Game and try to beat the hardest Math Challenge Math Warrior had for You.

available Resolutions:

Just use the "Zoom-Button" to change the Resolution until it fits your Screensize.

here is the link to the game

15-09-2012, 01:02 PM
oh come on, 60 Views and still no commend? :>

at least it would be helpful to know if someone has installed the game
my google installation statistics still get no update, did anyone know how long this takes?

15-09-2012, 01:26 PM
Installed the game, works ok on a Sony Arc S. Did notice some issues:
- Completed level 1, started level 2 and there were no soldiers coming.
- Also, if the screen locks, and you return to the game you just get a white screen, missing textures perhaps.

15-09-2012, 01:35 PM
thx for the feedback and the installation :)

the issue with the soldiers is strange and should not be happen, i think this will need some time to fix
and the white screen is known and will be fixed soon :)

15-09-2012, 03:05 PM
fixed the missing enemys and the z position :)
working on white screen issue

EDIT: white screen fixed :)

15-09-2012, 05:38 PM
oh come on, 60 Views and still no commend?

Sorry I would have tried your game but unfortunatly I don't own any Android based device.

15-09-2012, 09:02 PM
I've checked your game on Samsung Galaxy Ace. Seems to run fine, although the button located on bottom-right seems to be cut on the right edge as if it wasn't made for that resolution.

Also, I find it difficult to pick the numbers because they are too small and you often end up clicking on wrong places. Also, clicking on bottom-right button (e.g. pause) is quite difficult - hotspot area appears to be displaced or something.

I would suggest making buttons as large as possible, perhaps use portrait instead of landscape mode and using bottom half for buttons only and top half for soldiers. Other than that, the game seems pretty responsive considering that my Galaxy Ace is quite slow and unresponsive overall. Later I might be able to test the game on my Samsung Galaxy S2, when support department finish repairing its speaker problem.

15-09-2012, 09:12 PM
Tried the updated version, works ok. But, the music stops playing after the screen is locked/unlocked. I don't know how much you're going to improve this game, but entering wrong answers should be discouraged somehow, perhaps by lowering the score a little.

15-09-2012, 09:47 PM
strange if you have problems to pick the numbers, you tried to use the zoom button? even on galaxy s3 its good to pick
i will fix the button if i get time thank you :)

i even tought of lifes or score lowering but as an education game it would possible to hard or discouraging for some people
my little nieces play the game too and they might stop immediately cause they are both really young (tried with lifes but one stopped playing after dying two times)

i dunno how much i will work on the game, it is so far my first release there and i already had different plans on other games
it was just something i had in mind for a while and tought it would be a good idea to make a small learning game :)
maybe Math Warrior 2 will challenging you with gadgets, score losing and lifes but we will see ;)

oh Btw, my next plan would be my competition entry, i reworked the whole concept to fit on mobile phones and think it will now be more fun

16-09-2012, 12:23 AM
Well, no need to push this game far. Great progress in any case.

17-09-2012, 10:02 PM
I tried it on my Samsung Galaxy S II, and it worked just fine. Maybe you should change the 'E' button to '='? might be more intuitive....

18-09-2012, 07:46 PM
Still waiting for my Esquio Smart TV (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2028163448/equiso-smart-tv-turn-any-tv-into-a-smart-tv) to arrive. I'll have to try this game out when I get it.

18-09-2012, 10:36 PM
oh thx Paul never tought of this :D

there will be one more update this week to add zengl logo and maybe the '=' :>
i will also release the source to met the zengl license
but anyway there wouldnt be any other updates, i just started to work on another project