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View Full Version : Asphyre Sphinx 3.0.4 (Networking/Multiplayer on all platforms)

14-09-2012, 10:33 PM
Only two days have been passed since earlier release, which provided full FireMonkey v2 support, we are now celebrating yet another release, Asphyre Sphinx 3.0.4 (http://www.afterwarp.net/products/asphyresphinx3)!

Now Networking and Multiplayer is supported on all official platforms, including Windows, Linux and Mac OS both in Delphi and FreePascal/Lazarus; FireMonkey applications on Windows and Mac OS are also supported. In fact, the examples provided in distribution have been tested to communicate with each other across all platforms.

This new release is now licensed under MPL v2.0 (http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/). That means that license terms are more simple now and there is better compatibility with other open-source licenses out there. You don't have to worry though as you can still make commercial projects based on Asphyre. You can read Asphyre's MPL FAQ (http://afterwarp.net/forum/topic/398-asphyre-faq-mpl-license-and-obligations/) for more information about this.