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View Full Version : No Gl or Dx games

29-11-2002, 03:23 AM
Good people,

On delphi gamer I found a tut for doing pagefliping with a form and a TBitmap.

All well and good.
I was just wondering if any one had tryed this for something major?

The reason I ask is because I've been hacking around with this idea and I want to know if any one has found any pit falls to it..

Speed is an obvious one.. TransparentBlt is a little slower then I'd like but eh. :wink:


29-11-2002, 12:05 PM
I once build a Rectangular Tile engine on the forms GDI surface while flipping it using BitBLT... If you read the tutorial on DelphiGamer I take it that you read my tutorial on the subject! :)

It can be done, however you need to realize that this is never going to be as fast as a DirectX / SDL application, so you'll have to leave stuff out or program speed-efficient, however the fact is that some things just cannot be done on the GDI surface... :( It's a nice surface to work on though, I used it in one of my chess games to make it compatible for NT4 machines and it worked without a problem, however a chess game isn't HUGE on graphics... :)

02-12-2002, 12:35 AM
Very nice tut.
The base code link is broken thought.

Another thing is I added a change res bit to it so the screen was displaying 800 X 600 .. The same as the form.

It is a bit slow but It works for just simple proofs of stuff. It's greate for testing scripts and AIs.

I'm not sure it will make a RTS wich is what I was thinking of.

I'm now concocting ways of combining it with GL or DX.

Agine, thanks for the tut.