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View Full Version : A complex string.

12-01-2013, 12:28 AM
Is it possible?

str := 'convert -pointsize 20 -fill white -draw 'text ' + arrowXYstr + '"' + Floattostr(Temp.umedel) + '"' img/temp.jpg img/temp.jpg';

Xterm command : convert -pointsize 20 -fill white -draw 'text 270,460 "Text here"' img/temp.jpg img/temp.jpg

arrowXYstr = '270,460';
Temp.umedel = real;

Is it possible?

The " and the ' conflicts it seems.

Super Vegeta
12-01-2013, 12:48 AM
The more I read this, the more I don't have any idea what your problem is. The only thing I can tell looking at the post is that you don't use double-apos to insert an apostrophe into the string (str:='I don''t want to use " instead of '''). The Xterm command works perfectly fine for me.

12-01-2013, 11:18 AM
form1.caption:='[ ''test'' ]';
Now form caption would be [ 'test' ].