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View Full Version : Drawing Multiple Shadows

07-02-2005, 06:23 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm making a game using PowerDraw3pre3, and I have quite a serious problem with drawing shadows (using effectInvSrcMultiply) of more than one object. The problem is that when I draw two overlapping shadows, the intersecting part is darker than the rest.

I think the solution is to draw all shadows on some backbuffer (using effectNone) to create one image as big as the screen, which would contain all shadows. An then, I'd like to draw this backbuffer onto the screen using effectInvSrcMultiply, so the opacity of the shadows would be constant, no matter how many shadows are overlapping.

Is there any (fast enough) way to do this? I saw some "Backbuffer" property in one of the components, but I couldn't find any info about it. Is this the way it works?