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View Full Version : Additional FreePascal release info...

28-02-2005, 10:11 AM
Olle Raab, the man behind the Classic Mac OS compiler also wanted everyone to the know that the recent FPC release also had the following Classic MacOS enhancements...

* Precompiled MacOS api unit
* The compler is aware of mac resourses (in the $R directive)
* There is now a demo for a small mac gui "Hello World" application,
demonstrating use of unit MacOS and resources.

You can grab the MacOS ( both Classic and MacOS X ) compilers from here ('http://www.freepascal.org/fpcmac.html').

Btw, if you already have MacOS X ( v10.3 to be exact ), it compiles with an IDE called XCode ('http://developer.apple.com/tools/xcode/'), which does not have Pascal support built in. But if you are keen to use FreePascal with the XCode IDE, then make sure you look at the Using Free Pascal for Xcode Integration Kit ('http://www.surtec.com/~rj/Xcode-FreePascal/'), which has step-by-step instructions on how to get FreePascal up and running on your MacOS X.3 system.