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02-03-2005, 02:29 PM
I saw this image of the day about a game called Fate over on FlipCode (http://www.flipcode.com/cgi-bin/fcarticles.cgi?show=65243)
And the write up looked very interesting. So I thought I would share it with my fellow game developers. The game's site is at http://www.fatethegame.com/

02-03-2005, 03:34 PM
Indeed very nice!
They claim to have done all this in just over 5 months. Quite amazing if you ask me. Too bad they haven't responded yet to the 'what language' question but some how I doubt it'll be Delphi.

03-03-2005, 03:13 AM
Too bad they haven't responded yet to the 'what language' question but some how I doubt it'll be Delphi.
Your doubts are confirmed. They responded that it was done in C++. Mind you there is no reason at all that this could not be done in Delphi, and I had already been playing around with thoughts of how to do a fully-3D Diablo II style game with randomly generated levels.

03-03-2005, 06:57 AM
VEry nice. It's quite reminecent of Dungeon Seige and anotherone called Darkstone(I think thats it's name).

In fact Darkstone had a dungeon generator in it's engine. It was neat. Each time you start a new game it's different, save for the overworld map that was the same I think. Kinda like how the Diablo games were. Though Diablo 2 had overworld generation too.

03-03-2005, 07:43 AM
Wow those graphics are sexy, hope the gameplay is just as good, since thats was really matters, right?

03-03-2005, 10:26 AM
VEry nice. It's quite reminecent of Dungeon Seige and anotherone called Darkstone(I think thats it's name).

In fact Darkstone had a dungeon generator in it's engine. It was neat. Each time you start a new game it's different, save for the overworld map that was the same I think. Kinda like how the Diablo games were. Though Diablo 2 had overworld generation too.

The engine reminds me a bit of Warcraft III