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View Full Version : pastebin BETA 3.0

25-03-2005, 05:14 AM
You might be thinking now, 'What kind of tool is this?' Well, it's not really a 'tool' per-say, at least not as you might be thinking of it.

pastebin created by Andreas Blixt is a web application (or website) that allows you to immediately post your code for others to see on the web. What makes it so nice is that it'll not only put your code up to be looked at have posted changes and can be downloaded as an actual source file, but it has a really cool IDE source highlighter for it's multiple supported languages. Those IDEs supported are; Delphi, JavaScript, PHP, ASP (JavaScript and VBScript), BlitzBasic 3D, MySQL and Text.

You can find pastebin BETA 3.0 at legion.gibbering.net/pastebin/ ('http://legion.gibbering.net/pastebin/')