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View Full Version : I Encourage Story Writting!

12-04-2005, 05:17 AM
Hey guys,

I realize that this forum doesn't have any established comments on it's use. And out of many of the other forums it is probably one of the more important ones in some game genres' development!

What is a good RPG without a good story? Why go adventruing, running, soaring, blasting, warping or travelling through through endless levels, dungeons, caves, forrests, war-torn cities, fantasy worlds, labyrinths and space gauntlets if there is no greatter plot or world to be there for?

Not always true for simple blast 'n shoot 'ems. And not at all nessissary for puzzle type games. But if you want to be really creative and design a world or a universe or realm of your own to envelope people into, you've gotta have a good story, plot of concept.

This is where this forum comes in. Discuss any idea you have for your games where you need feedback, or even flesh out ideas in your own head for the benifit of others to see how these game projects develop good story writting practices and brainstorming methods.

12-04-2005, 05:33 AM
Story? Plot? Bugger. I thought it was all about the tech. :D

I do have some story ideas of my own that I will post here, once I get some sorted into a kind of understandable format.

Mind you, I'm going to E3 in May and there I will be bombarded from left, right and centre with tech this and tech that, so don't mind me if I get all teched out.

Something sensible might be coming this way soon. 8)

12-04-2005, 07:31 AM
Sounds like a good idea to me!

How's your own story coming btw?

12-04-2005, 11:06 PM
One of the main misunderstandings is that 'simple' 2D shooters or platform games don't need any story. I've learned from MSX games that those games are suitable for a good, compelling story.

13-04-2005, 09:42 PM
Sly: Don't forget you have to make an article/review about E3 on PGD ;)

Traveler: I've already added some stuff to my current game's story here (click here!) (http://www.pgd.netstarweb.com/viewtopic.php?t=2042) ;)But I'm waiting for feedback and thoughts before I continue to post anything on it. My game ain't gonna be *completely* free you know. :lol:

marmin: Quite true. A 2D shooter/platform game needs at least some basic form of story. Otherwise why are you jumping from brick to brick going through levels? Who is that princess at the end? Story = Purpose.

Take Doom for instance. A simple story, but without it a senseless and pointless game. Demons are invading or hoarding in from Hell into Mars' moons. Now you could have had cows instead of hell spawn, but why cows? There is even a story behind that too! You'd have to use non-sensical objects or things, but then what on earth would be a point of playing a game like that?

You NEED a story or a plot. Even if it's just as simple and cut-out as Doom or any other classic. They used to call this an 'Adventure Game' back in the old days, because of this very idea. ;)

13-04-2005, 11:00 PM
Sly: Don't forget you have to make an article/review about E3 on PGD ;)

D'oh! :P I should be able to write something up with a few pictures too.

Take Doom for instance. A simple story, but without it a senseless and pointless game. Demons are invading or hoarding in from Hell into Mars' moons. Now you could have had cows instead of hell spawn, but why cows? There is even a story behind that too! You'd have to use non-sensical objects or things, but then what on earth would be a point of playing a game like that?

The Diablo II Mad Cow Secret Level. Hordes of cows armed with sickles coming for your blood. That was fun. Crazy and non-sensical, but fun. :D

Yes, a good story does help with a game, but I would not say that it is essential. Take Llamatron for example. That was a brilliant, wildly popular shoot-em-up in the early 90's that had no story, but then it didn't need one. You were a llama shooting lasers at everything in sight. Why? Because you're a llama, that's why.