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View Full Version : NewtonPlayGround V1.2 released...

25-04-2005, 04:13 PM
Sascha Willems ('emailaddress@somewhere.com') has been busy again and this time on his Newton Playground ('http://newton.delphigl.de/')...


I spent some work on NewtonPlayGround during the last day. Some of the new things are that you can now create all kind of joint-configurations (with it's own UI) and that you can put vehicles into your scenes. Besides these there were also some smaller changes and some fixes. So with this current version of NewtonPlayGround you can use almost all features of the Newton Game Dynamics-Engine without the need to write a single line of code. And you can even export your created scenes to XML and load them again at a later time.

Make sure you check out the Newton Playground ('http://newton.delphigl.de/').

Sascha Willems
25-04-2005, 04:41 PM
Thanks for posting savage.

I would have posted it myself, but I'm a bit unsure about "self-promition". I for myself don't really like it, as I don't want to use PGD as some "cheap" platform for promoting the stuff I do. But if people aren't against it I'll post news concerning my stuff myself.

25-04-2005, 06:46 PM
I think you should post any important news here. I for one use this as my Delphi/Pascal site, therefore if it is not posted here I will not go see it. And based on the number of downloads I get when I do post something of mine the same applies to my stuff. (But then I never update my own web site....) :(

25-04-2005, 08:43 PM
I say go for it Sascha. I am recently losing lots of my free time due to increasing timmings from work. Plus the more news that gets out there the better. We have so few reporters anyhow.

It's lookin' good btw. Keep up the good work! ;)