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View Full Version : Mike Wiering's Mario

25-04-2005, 10:24 PM
How many of you guys remember this game?


What's that you say? Something looks off? Well your right, it's not the Nintendo-based game Super Mario Bros. It is in fact a Mario-clone made under Turbo Pascal 6 called Mario. A select few might remember playing this game where it had only 4 levels and no ending. Long story short it was a modified copy of this game from some other 3rd party. The original by Mike Wiering was a pet project to just make a parallax side-scrolling engine and make other games from that. Well he eventually released the source and the full version of his game. It's dated pretty far back, but should make for, if nothing else, some pretty neat nostalgia.

<center>And here is Tiger Woods playing the game on TV!

files/news/2005_04_26_mario2.jpg ('files/news/2005_04_26_mario2.jpg')</center>

To read the full story or download Mario or it's full source go here ('http://home.wxs.nl/~mikewiering/msrc/')!