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View Full Version : Noeska's OpenGL Projects

09-05-2005, 04:14 AM
Well many of you know that Noeska hosts and maintains a set of OpenAL Headers on his site. But did you know that he also has a few OpenGL projects of his own?

His latest update in March, late reporting by us, was gl3ds. Released under the mozilla public license, it started out as a unit for loading 3ds files and simply rendering them using OpenGL.

It currently loads; 3D Studio files (.3ds), Milkshape ASCII files (.txt) with bones and animations and his own format that supports meshes and materials. (and soon bones and animations)

And saves to; Milkshape ASCII files (.txt) and his own format (.bin).

His other projects:
<ul> gltemplate: A template for Delphi Applications using OpenGL, based on SULACO's ('URL') own OpenGL template. glgui: Based on the gui example from SULACO ('http://www.sulaco.co.za/')[/list]

For more information about Noeska's projects visit his site at www.noeska.com ('http://www.noeska.com/')!