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View Full Version : 3D game programming-generell question

22-06-2005, 07:09 PM
hello!!!! at first i want to say that my shift keyon my keybord is some kind of damaged so please excuse somemistakes:D

My problem is: i need a way to work with the engine genesis 3d [genesis3d.com] by using directx. i already found toutorial ondirectx but there was nothing said aboutusing any other engines with directx. its a bit confusing: i haveto use directx for genesis because otherwise i cant show any delphi windows while genesis is running. so i posted an entry in the genesis forum. there somebody told me i have work with genesis and directx and then i can show any windows while genesis is running because if i use genesis+directx i can swith a certain mode so genesis dont stops or oppresses any delphi windows anymore. but now my problem is that i really dont know if there is also another way how i can write a simple 3d game with features like using delphi windows without any problem and things which really help me programming a simple game (in delphi im just at object orientated programming)

so i hope you can help me finding a way to use genesis with directx or helping me by showing a new way of simple 3d game preogramming!!!!!

sorry again if there are too many mistakes in grammar- im from german!!!


22-06-2005, 07:38 PM
Hi, Welcome to PGD!

I was under the impression that genesis3d, was more or less abandoned. Apparently I was mistaken :oops:
In any case, I suppose since you already have some (basic) experience with 3d (at least I asume you do) perhaps GLScene might be something for you to look into. (www.glscene.org (http://www.glscene.org))

23-06-2005, 06:06 AM
I dont really know much about genesis 3d- i just came to it because of a book I read on game programming with delphi- but I'm a noob- a beginner- and so I cant really say anything about genesis....

But thanks for your link- I just looked at the page- the onlyst problem I have is that I dont have delphi 5 or 6!!!! I just have Delphi 3 Professional so have you an Idea how to work with genesis and directx??? The Problem is that I already know the worldeditor of genesis and I have also some instructions how to make actors and to animate them so I have a hole book on working with genesis and so it would be really usefull to me if I could go on with working with genesis- but I also can post another message in the genesis forum!!!! Thanks for your help!!!

Jonas :D

23-06-2005, 08:38 AM
I played around with Genesis3D many years ago using Delphi. You can find some files related to Delphi and Genesis3D @ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/g4d/files/ there is also some info @ http://www.cyberspectrum.de/g4d/

Btw, what is the name of the book you are using to learn Genesis?

23-06-2005, 07:16 PM
thanks forthe links- i will try themlater!!! and the book i read or have is an german book (im from germany) and is called 3D game programming mit delphi for kids (its really more english thangerman and means like 3d game programming with delphi for kids) if you are interested inthis book then just look for the MITp Company. its a book company which prints this book!!!

23-06-2005, 10:07 PM
I'm interested to know what is on the CD and which version of of Genesis3D he used for the boook.

24-06-2005, 11:53 AM
Ohh alright!!! The version of genesis i can write you later on (I'm away at the weekend) maybe on monday- and on the cd was delphi professional 3, a 30 days trial version of the 3d editor milkshape, a shareware version of the worldeditor VX-Edit, the genesis Engine and all genesis- wordleditors and all the source codes used in the book!!!
