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View Full Version : Borland CEO withdraws

Sascha Willems
08-07-2005, 09:13 AM
Taking full responsibility for the bad results that Borland ''managed'' to make within the last two quarters, CEO and president Dale L. Fuller withdrew from his job.

So this is the second quarter in a row where Borland missed the expectations and made losses again. This time it was 0.19 to 0.21 dollars per share.

Everyone knowing at least a little bit about economics should understand that this is a real bad sign for Borland, since it's not the usual practice to just withdraw after bad quarter results (since every company around has some good and some bad quarters). So this just seems like another step on the way down for Borland, whose image already suffered very heavy. Sad to see how a bad management can drive such a great company as Borland against a wall...

<font size=-2>Infos taken from german IT-newsmagazine heise online ('http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/61508')</font>

08-07-2005, 10:31 AM
With the quality of Delphi releases dropping with the release of Delphi 8 and then even worse with Delphi 2005 (and not holding much hope for the next version), this is not all that surprising.

08-07-2005, 10:32 AM
They have lost their way and need to get back on track. One can only hope that it does not spell the end of Borland.

08-07-2005, 04:00 PM
I have to disagree with the Borland Losing there way part of this,

Sure when Delphi 2005 was released i was majorly disappointed that they Great Delphi 7 IDE had been replaced with a Clunky MSVS Type IDE. and i still prefer the Delphi 7 IDE, But Borland 2005 is every bit as Great as Delphi 7. i have lost no usablilty. I havnt lost any features all Its all been gains in the Form of C# Right there and .Net being there too.

The .Net Framework isnt going anywhere, Microsoft are gonna make sure of that. and with mono its basically gonna be one linux too. so it is just a case of suck it up and use it :)

Im as always eagerly awaiting new on any future versions of Delphi, and read somewhere the other month about the inclusion of C++ into Delphi in the next version. which would be handy.. if only to figure out why i cant seem to pass arrays to none Delphi made DLL's :D

08-07-2005, 08:06 PM
:lol: Well if they start including C++ into the Delphi Studio, they better start calling the language by its good and proper name, Object Pascal. :?

As far as the CEO withdrawing, it seems that either upper management wants to hunt heads for the problems at Borland or that someone there 'gets it' and the problems are being looked at and taken note of. I seriously hope it's the latter.

09-07-2005, 12:28 AM
One of you guys should go apply for CEO! Bring Borland back on it's feet!

09-07-2005, 12:30 AM
The IDE has been called Borland Developer Studio, or BDS, since Delphi 8. They won't change the name of the language back to Object Pascal after changing it to Delphi a few releases back. And yes, the next release includes Delphi, Delphi.NET and C++ in the one IDE.

10-07-2005, 06:11 PM
Sly, but they have changed naming of base classes from VCL to CLX and back to VCL. So, everything is possible. :D

10-07-2005, 06:44 PM
Well it looks like we are seeing the birth of the NEW kind of Visual Studio here. :) I wonder if it will start supporting other new languages and forigen compilers.

Chrome would be a neat addon. :lol: But I think that it's more the competition than something that will be of benifit to Borland.

10-07-2005, 11:13 PM
Sly, but they have changed naming of base classes from VCL to CLX and back to VCL. So, everything is possible. :D

CLX was in addition to VCL. So VCL was never renamed. It just had an inferior sibling for a while.

Remember Borland's attempt to reinvent themselves with the Inprise name? Yeah, we all know how well that went. :)

11-07-2005, 12:02 AM
Well I think that they should either continue go one way other the other. CLX was supposed to be the cross-platform version of VCL.

I personally think that if they eliminate CLX then they should make VCL cross-platform capable. Or failing that use CLX instead of VCL and enhance it's win32 portion to support XP themes a little nicer.

But then there is complications with the more recent deals with Microsoft to get into .NET with their help. I think the deal had something to do with them not having anything that supports .NET support Linux. Since Microsoft and Linux are sort of head-to-head with their OSes. This was mentioned somewhere in those audio blogs that the Delphi 2005 team was releasing.

11-07-2005, 05:46 PM
CLX was in addition to VCL. So VCL was never renamed. It just had an inferior sibling for a while.
Well, in twisted marketings minds inside Borland for some time it was actually vice-versa: Overview of the VCL for .NET - by John Kaster (http://bdn.borland.com/article/0,1410,29460,00.html).

Some excerpts:
"Visual Component Library" was a misnomer for the entire component framework, since the majority of the framework was non-visual. When Borland introduced Kylix, we also finally came up with an official name for the Delphi component framework: "CLX." CLX stands for "Component Library for Cross-Platform" development, and is pronounced the same as "clicks."
CLX is now the official term describing the entire component framework that is used in Delphi, C++Builder, and Kylix.
"Whether you use VCL or VisualCLX, your application will use CLX, the Delphi framework"
