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View Full Version : ChipmonkeyBASIC translator

19-06-2013, 12:37 PM
Okay, this project isn't a game. But since here are some old school guys moving around I thought some may be interested.
As you can see from the video it is a C64 BASIC inspired interpreter but with a more modern subset of BASIC. Well, to be honest, it is the Lua 5.2 interpreter behaving as a BASIC. Or better it's a translator. The screen with input and text etc. and the translator part are coded with Freepascal. Some of you might frown that I am using the "old" unit graph to achieve my goal. Freepascal ships with a graph unit for Windows, also wincrt, for Linux I am using ptcgraph and ptccrt. So no VGA graph but a "real" window. ;)
The funny thing about the interpreter is that it can be programmed either in BASIC or in Lua. Not everything is finished yet (e.g. file handling, better EDIT) but it is quite usable. It's a usable but useless project. ;D


Ñuño Martínez
27-06-2013, 09:27 AM
It would be great if your BASIC can be used as scripting language in games. :)

27-06-2013, 12:13 PM
It would be great if your BASIC can be used as scripting language in games. :)
Well, that's not so hard but is it usefull? Actually it is just a wrapper/translator around Lua so it is faster to use Lua IMHO.