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View Full Version : The Sheep Killer REviewed in Linux Format

03-09-2005, 03:05 PM
Hi everyone

Just thought you should know that "The Sheep Killer" has been reviewed in Linux Format issue LXF71 OCTOBER 2005.

Well done :D This is good news for all of us developing games using Free Pascal :D


03-09-2005, 11:47 PM
:D Yay that's awesome :D

{MSX} is gonna be happy, when he gets back from vacation.

11-09-2005, 09:55 AM
wow!! this is really great :P
but is that a newspaper? where does it sells?
and is the review positive or negative?

i want a copy of that mag :P

also, i've searched it with google and i've found it on many sites.. fine :P
here it seems it was inserted on a magazine dvd:

11-09-2005, 10:02 AM
Linux Format (www.linuxformat.co.uk) is a monthly linux magazine sold in the UK although I have seen it in countries like austrailia.

You should be able ot order a back issue from the publisher, if not let me know and I'll grad a copy for you.

The review was positive,they didn't have any problems getting it running and seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed playing it :D

24-09-2005, 04:36 PM
Damn I was away for this. Congratulations MSX and K4Z!!

If either of you is interested I can see if the magazine is still available. I usually buy that mag most months.

24-09-2005, 05:57 PM
I just found out a local shop sells Linux Format :P , it's in number LXF71 right? I can't find it on the site ne more.

16-11-2005, 10:30 AM
My son bought Star Wars Lego ( http://www.lego.com/eng/starwars/videogame/default.asp ) a few days ago and watchin him play it reminded me of the modelling effect you guys were going for in Sheep Killer.

I think there is a lot more mileage to be gained from this kind of non-realistic yet fun modelling. If you get the chance get the game it really is a lot better than the other Star Wars type games out there.

17-11-2005, 03:32 AM
I think there is a lot more mileage to be gained from this kind of non-realistic yet fun modelling.

Funny you should mention that. {MSX} and I are in the middle of another, secret but no so secret project :D :D .

I'm not going to give too much away at this stage, just that we've been feeding 'The Sheep Killer' engine steroids for the past 2 weeks, and whatever comes out, I'm sure is going to be impressive :o .

Just make sure you keep an eye on {MSX}'s (http://msx80.blogspot.com/) blog for more info. (Go there now :wink: )


I really like the look of the StarWars Lego game, but have never played it :cry: . The 3d Modelers must have had such a fun time modeling all those Lego characters. So simple yet pretty detailed too.

17-11-2005, 08:11 AM
Looks excellent K4Z!!! I hope either you or MSX start a new thread about it. Look forward to seeing it.

17-11-2005, 04:34 PM
Thanx Savage. Might set up a new thread for the project soon.

But for now...here's a little pic, just to tease you all a little :D


18-11-2005, 04:17 AM
Sheep Killer 2: The Sheep Slicer? :)


18-11-2005, 04:42 AM
Sheep Killer 2: The Sheep Slicer?

Heh heh, not quite. It's a whole new game, keeping the same simple style and base code of The Sheep Killer 8) . And with lots of guns and hordes of things to kill :wink: .