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View Full Version : New ATI-Radeon SDK

Sascha Willems
07-10-2005, 11:57 AM
Well, it's ATI again. They just released an updated version of their Radeon-SDK ('http://www.ati.com/developer/radeonSDK.html') which has grown much bigger since the last (July) release.

It weights in at 340 MBytes (that's almost 200 MBytes more content than the last release) and finally comes with a handy SDK-browser (guess they learned something out of NVidia's great SDK ('http://developer.nvidia.com/object/sdk_home.html') ). It includes content for both APIs, DirectX and OpenGL. You'll find samples, documents, tools and some more stuff in. So if you do some advanced graphics programming, grab it and take a look at brand new stuff like FBO, HDR. (Note : Most of the demos need brand new hardware)