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View Full Version : BareGame

30-07-2013, 06:34 PM
Sorry, I am posting with my tablet, so there might be some errors... .But now on topic: have you ever heard of baregame? You can find it here: www.baregame.org (http://www.baregame.org)
I wonder why those guy did not post on PGD about his engine.
I found it searching for SDL2 and Pascal. Loks pretty interesting.

30-07-2013, 10:09 PM
Based on the fact that website has been registered just about 4 months ago it seems this is something new.
So great find :)

Now I have no clue why they didn't make any contact with our comunity.

31-07-2013, 05:30 AM
Interesting... Downloading now and will post at their forum about our site. Maybe they didn't know.

31-07-2013, 06:51 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention that the source repro at Github comes with a complete SDL2 header. https://github.com/sysrpl/Bare.Game

31-07-2013, 10:22 AM
Does anyone know who the author of these tools are? They aren't taking credit for it on their website. No about page.

They state that OUYA is a supported platform and list a lot of resources that interact within the PGD community so I'd be surprised if they didn't know about us.

I like what I see so far. Very nice use of media for support of their frameworks.

31-07-2013, 10:29 AM
does it work? ;)

31-07-2013, 11:03 AM
It's hard to say what they're aiming for as it's far from finished but it seems well written. There's more complete 2D code-bases to use at present but deffo one to watch :)

03-08-2013, 06:26 PM
For mods: Creator of BG was accidentally banned as spambot here. While I have yet to get name he registered here with, it is possible it was sysrpl. Please unban him if that's the case.

03-08-2013, 07:50 PM
He was banned, but I cannot say how or why. Simply that we screwed up. I fixed the situation and he seemed rather gracious about it. :)

He just finished the usual new member process and I gave him a heads up about this thread so he may be ready with some feedback on our questions and what you guys think about it so far.

I'm personally interested to see how this new library will do amoung the landscape of all the other frameworks and libraries. New platform possibilities, end of an era with some older libraries so there is a lot of new ground to cover with a whole new take on game development.

My hope is that BareGame can be taken onto new and current popular non-desktop platforms as well as the "full 3."

03-08-2013, 08:06 PM
Hi, sysrpl here. I am the author of Bare Game. I am happy to see people here interested in my project. I was aware of PGD but wasn't planning on making any announcements here until my next release (which should come this week).

Some have asked here what direction the project is going or what niche is it attempting occupy. The goal of the project is to provide a single object pascal framework bundled with an accompanying pre-configured IDE capable of targeting Windows, Linux, OSX, iOS, and Android devices. I've written my own bare bones (hence the Bare namesake) game frameworks for Windows and several times (dating back to 2001) over the years. This past April I started porting pieces of of my prior frameworks over to a new framework based on the latest trunk version of FPC and SDL 2.0.

Highlights of the Bare Game framework include a very easy to use animation and storyboard system, 2D vector graphics (now built on shaders), sprites, and a new resources management system (just drop images, sound files, xml scripts into a "raw" folder and your resource will be compressed into the final executable upon build) which makes bundling assets into your games a snap. Currently all of these features and more are working in my new version (I just need to import my Windows XML parser and rebuild the latest Lazarus package) for Windows and Linux. After this is done all my work will be focused on getting my framework working natively on arm android.

And finally, if you are interested, here is a quick video with code snippets (http://forums.baregame.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=15#p22) I made for darkhog regarding a camera control and storyboards.

03-08-2013, 09:04 PM
very nicely done,I look forward to playing around with it.

04-08-2013, 12:32 AM
Please feel free to embed video or images here on PGD! :)


Our site can support Vimeo, YouTube and a few others.

04-08-2013, 02:54 AM
Okay Will, here is another quick and dirty video. This is the easings demo which shows how a function prototype is used to animate properties of objects. It also highlights how 2D vector graphics can be rendered transformed in 3D space if so desired.

TEasing = function(Percent: Float): Float;

TEasings = class(TDictionary<string, TEasing>)
{doc off}
function DefaultValue: TEasing; override;
procedure RegisterDefaults;
{doc on}

class function TEasingDefaults.Linear(Percent: Float): Float;
Result := Percent;

class function TEasingDefaults.Easy(Percent: Float): Float;
Result := Percent * Percent * (3 - 2 * Percent);

class function TEasingDefaults.Boing(Percent: Float): Float;
Percent := Power(Percent, 1.5);
Result := Sin(PI * Power(Percent, 2) * 20 - PI / 2) / 4;
Result := Result * (1 - Percent) + 1;
if Percent < 0.2 then
Result := Result * Easy(Percent / 0.2);


You can add your own easings by simply writing Easings.Add('MyCustomEasingName', MyCustomEasingFunc). You can animate an property by writing:

Animations.Add(MySprite.Angle, 90)
.Looping(loopReverse, loopInfinite)

Which causes MySprite to spin on it's Z axis from its current angle to 90 in 0.75 seconds using 'MyCustomEasingName' to interpolate the angle over the animation time frame. The animation will loop infinitely reversing itself every 0.75 seconds until the Angle property is issued a different animation or removed by writing Animations.Remove(MySprite.Angle). Animations can be reused by using a Storyboard class.

Most every world object has animatable properties. Canvas Brush can animate the width, texture coords, colors, gradient stop locations. Camera position, direction, and field of view can be animated. Sprite color, origin, size, position, scale, and rotation can be animated. Even sound bank volume and 3D space position can be animated. ect

04-08-2013, 01:56 PM
looks impressive, definitely will try it out

28-08-2013, 04:18 PM
Just reported bunch of spam messages on BG forums. If I'd be mod there, I could do more.