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View Full Version : Invisible links in topics

14-10-2005, 03:36 AM
As a suggestion, could you change the color of the links inside the threads. I can't read the gold letter against this cyan-gray background. Am I the only one?



Robert Kosek
14-10-2005, 03:39 AM
No, you're not the only one. I don't like the link color either. There's a way in CSS, if the post sections have an ID, to color them seperately. Just a heads up.

14-10-2005, 07:43 AM
The issue was on admins to do list for a very long time now, for now you can do something like [ url=http://www.something.html] [ u ]something[ /u ][ /url ] to make your own links a bit easier for the eye.

14-10-2005, 10:35 AM
I only can read it clearly when im hoverig my mouse over it...

Robert Kosek
14-10-2005, 02:05 PM
postbody > a {
color: #0044BB; /* or whatever */

THAT'S ALL you need in the style sheet! Now, if you want the mouseover and visited states then that's easy enough.

postbody > a:link {
color: #0044BB; /* or whatever */

postbody > a:hover {
color: #0044BB; /* or whatever */

postbody > a:visited {
color: #0044BB; /* or whatever */

postbody > a:active {
color: #0044BB; /* or whatever */

I don't see the problem. You change that to your colors and voiala! we can read it, and it only changes the stuff within the post body. Backup the stylesheet and try if you don't believe me. Just fix it and take it off the todo list, please, seeing as I've shown how it'll only take you a second to do.

14-10-2005, 02:18 PM
The question is, who is the user in charge here? We can PM and let him know the changes to do. I have been admin in other phpBB forums, and many times I didn't notice member's request because I didn't have time to read all the posts. :roll:

Robert Kosek
14-10-2005, 02:42 PM
It's Will and Savage. Not sure of who else get's admin/skinning rights, but I know Will won't miss this.

14-10-2005, 03:07 PM
WILL is away for a good few weeks still - not sure that savage has access at the right level to chnage it - anyone want to hack the server to fix it :lol:

14-10-2005, 04:41 PM
If anyone can tell me which files to change I can do it. On DelphiGamer Dean and I wrote most of the site so I knew the php code quite well.
But on this site, WILL has put it all together himself, so if others on here know what phpBB files need changing I can dig around this week-end and make it so.

Robert Kosek
14-10-2005, 05:57 PM
That'd be the style sheet.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/subSilver/subSilver.css" type="text/css">

14-10-2005, 07:43 PM
Robert, the lines you specified are already in the css. The problem lies elsewhere. I worked with WILL on the styling of the site and it's a bit more work than just adding a few lines to the css file. The problem is that if you add a random link without tags like so http://www.google.com , the link appears in yellow (the default link color). However if you use tags , it appears without an underline http://www.google.com. We need a solution that solves both situations. Unfortunately this requires more work than just a few lines in a css file.

For now, best thing is to use the solution Paulius mentioned.

Robert Kosek
14-10-2005, 08:10 PM
http://google.com/ - is a normal link.
http://google.com/ - is a 'postlink' class.

I looked in the stylesheet, and the lines I specified are not, I repeat, are not in it. Put this in there:

.postbody &#123; font-size &#58; 12px;&#125; /* FIND THIS */
a.postlink&#58;link &#123; text-decoration&#58; none; color &#58; #151516 &#125;
a.postlink&#58;visited &#123; text-decoration&#58; none; color &#58; #151516; &#125;
a.postlink&#58;hover &#123; text-decoration&#58; underline; color &#58; #595A5B;&#125;

/* ADD THIS&#58; */
postbody > a&#58;link &#123; color&#58; #151516 ; &#125;
postbody > a&#58;hover &#123; color&#58; #595A5B; &#125;
postbody > a&#58;visited &#123; color&#58; #151516 ; &#125;
postbody > a&#58;active &#123; color&#58; #595A5B; &#125;


"postbody >" means 'find the element "postbody" and then the subelement specified'. Thus all normal links within the "postbody" element would change to the "postlink" style. Try it, trust me. If you don't believe me, then I'll quote the CSS source for you, it AIN'T in there.

14-10-2005, 11:10 PM
Your solution does not appear to work in internet explorer.

Robert Kosek
14-10-2005, 11:46 PM
Did you put it in the IE CSS file or the "subSilver.css" one? It'll work in FF, but you'll need a different method for IE. I can't remember the other method at the moment.

15-10-2005, 04:08 PM
OK after some rooting around, I think I have a link combination that looks identical in both. I hope you've noticed the change and that it is for the better.

The first change was to find...
/* General font families for common tags */

In this section I changed the a:link, active and vistied colour to the ones associated with a.postlink:link. I also changed a:hover colour to match the one associated with a.postlink:hover.

With the colours sorted I simply added a a.postlink:active tag as it appeared to be missing. Hence now both forms of tagging should render identically.

Could everyone confirm that all forum links are now ok.

15-10-2005, 04:17 PM
OK just noticed that this now breaks the text colour in the news ticker. I think the forum links are more important for now, but will try and fix this news ticker, later today.

15-10-2005, 04:31 PM
Traveller, do you know how the NewsBar/ticker above works? I'm trying to track down where the Javascript is being generated from so I can change the link colour info, but I could not spot it.

Any hints/help welcome.

Robert Kosek
15-10-2005, 08:09 PM
Very odd, works in IE but not FF. I think I mixed XML CSS tags up with "normal" CSS... Gimme a few to look stuff up.

16-10-2005, 11:46 AM
My version of the site is pretty old, but if WILL has left the file alone then the script should be in \templates\subSilver\overall_header.tpl

16-10-2005, 10:26 PM
Yes it is that file, but I'm not sure where the VLINK macro is being created/stored. I'm thinking of changing the background colour of the led as a quick fix.

Robert Kosek
18-10-2005, 04:34 PM
Think I caught the screwup, let me know if this works.

.postbody a&#58;link &#123; color&#58; #151516 ; &#125;
.postbody a&#58;hover &#123; color&#58; #595A5B; &#125;
.postbody a&#58;visited &#123; color&#58; #151516 ; &#125;
.postbody a&#58;active &#123; color&#58; #595A5B; &#125;

18-10-2005, 08:24 PM
I've just uploaded the new background for the ticker. So it should be more legible now.

Robert, I have not applied the changes you just posted as I have not heard any complaints about my previous changes and tested them in both Mozilla and IE and they appear to be fine.

Robert Kosek
18-10-2005, 11:21 PM
Well, it's not workin' for me. FireFox 1.0.7 doesn't use the XML formatting for a normal HTML page, I'm afraid. And I goofed and gave the XML style last time.

19-10-2005, 08:31 AM
Hi Robert, I'm a little confused now. I am posting this message with Firefox 1.0.7 and all the links look fine. The only thing that is a little hard to read is the newsbar ticker. Is this what you are referering to??
I also noticed that Firefox seems to cache pages more than Mozilla, so had to do a Shift-F5/refresh to see the new newsbar ticker background, for example.

19-10-2005, 08:54 AM
Instead of removing the background of the newsticker, you could also add a new class to the <a> tag.

Robert Kosek
19-10-2005, 02:16 PM
:roll: That's one thing I don't like about FF there, though it does help speed.

The added style code with the ">" is malfunctioning to override ALL default links, not just those in the "postbody" class. The code I posted recently SHOULD fix the issue.