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View Full Version : Armor Cavalry

24-10-2005, 03:29 PM
I decided to publish our old (2002-2003) retail-aimed (but not published) project called Armor Cavalry.

It's a tank wars with unusual design of tanks (and other assets).
A mission-based single player scenario was planned, but this tech-demo looks like a multiplayer deathmatch (which was not planned).

Download (7 MB) (http://avagames.net/download/acdemo)

Screenshot (Update):

The project was abandoned, but our shareware projects are based on the same technology (much improved, of course).

The usability is poor, I know, but it's only tech-demo.;)

Requirements: GeForce256-class videocard or TnT, if you have a powerfull CPU.

Green/Red bar indicates current armour level.
Yellow/Blue bar indicates how far the shoot will go (shoot power).
Yellow point indicates suggested shoot power for a place where the mouse is pointing.
Red/Grey thin bar indicates weapon reloading progress.

Mouse + RMB - rotate.
MMB or right shift + mouse move - zoom
F1/F2 - switch camera modes
F9 - camera - tank direction sync. on/off

Move your mouse to aim
AWSD - move/rotate
R / F - raise/lower gun
Q / E - raise/lower shoot power
Mouse wheel (or "]") - switch to next weapon
LMB or SPACE - fire

Toggle - ESC
Arrows up/down - select weapon
Arrows left/right - sell/buy
Delete - sell all
Page Down - buy maximum

Tab - switch to next tank
I - toggle AI control for current tank

1/2/3 - switch detail level

24-10-2005, 08:26 PM
What compiler are you using, how many developers etc?

24-10-2005, 08:34 PM
Just played it quickly, looks quite cool game play wise. Is the physics/collisions detection all yours? I would be interested in seeing any newer demos.

25-10-2005, 06:26 AM
Some screens please? I just don't like downloading something without even seeing a screenie :wink:


25-10-2005, 07:36 AM
You can savely download this firle :). I too played it for a while and it's actually pretty cool. The AI is a bit tough at times and after a while it does get a bit repetitive. The explosions are done rather nicely, although the flightpath of the bullets seems a bit odd to me. Its as if the they're flying at a constant velocity, no matter if they're going up or down.

Is this game abandoned permenantly?

25-10-2005, 05:33 PM
Thanks for feedback. :D
I've updated the initial post with a screenshot.

Savage: The compiler was Delphi 6. Developers - one programmer, three artists.
All code is own, but there is no collision detection. :wink:

Traveler: Explosion are just an animated billboard. Currently I'm using particle systems for explosion effects (see Scorch an Island).

The game doesn't fit in shareware market so we have no plans to continue it.[/b]

25-10-2005, 08:10 PM
hmm very strange, why does it not fit into shareware??

25-10-2005, 08:18 PM
News item posted.

26-10-2005, 02:36 PM
The main problem is in target audience. The game is too hardcore for casuals and I don't know how to market to hardcores, where to find hardcore gamers.
The requirements GeForce256 is also too high. When (if?) Vista become a most popular OS this will be OK.

26-10-2005, 09:29 PM
The requirements GeForce256 is also too high. When (if?) Vista become a most popular OS this will be OK.

actually the geforce256 is "GeForce 1", see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeForce_256

this card is actually a ancestor of geforce 2..


* Core Clock: 120 MHz
* Memory Clock: 166 MHz (150 MHz for DDR SDRAM version)
* Graphics Core: 256-bit
* Memory Interface: 128-bit
* Triangles per Second: 15 million
* Pixels Per Second: 480 million
* Memory: Up to 128 MiB

27-10-2005, 06:46 PM
actually the geforce256 is "GeForce 1", see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeForce_256

this card is actually a ancestor of geforce 2..

Yes, exactly. The problem that many (if not most) users from casual TA has a standard videodrivers from Microsoft. And they doesn't know what the driver is at all. And doesn't want to know. At that is right. 8)