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View Full Version : New Demo (BABU PUZZLE)

27-10-2005, 01:44 PM
Hello everybody,
this is my very first post even if i read the forums very often :)

I've uploaded the demo of my latest pc game, called Babu Puzzle.
I would be glad if you can try it and give some feedback :)

http://www.fnxgames.com into WIP page

It's developed in delphi5+delphix+fmod.

The concept is similar to NES' Yoshi (the very first one) so that you
have to match the falling items by switching the dishes at the base.

Keys are left, right, space bar, esc, pause, enter.

Hint: item above same item makes them 2 explode
Hint: Heart above same color item makes EVERY same color items
to explode

Hope you like that even if it's not finished!

Thanx for your time :)

27-10-2005, 04:07 PM
First let me welcome you to PGD (even though you've been visiting for a while). Always a pleasure to see a new face around :)

I have tried your game and I must say it great! Graphics are really nice and sound is even better (imo). Everything seems very well polished.

Some minor things:
:arrow: At the various menuscreens the enter key doesn't seem to work. Perhaps its me, but I tend to use the enter key before spacebar in menus.
:arrow: A fullscreen option may be nice.
:arrow: Instructionscreen isn't working (could be a wip I suppose)
:arrow: Though I personally dont dislike the music, I can understand some people might, so an option to turn if off or at least to decrease/increase the volume, might be good.
:arrow: I find this game much harder than tetris. Probably because a lot of times the items dont match and so a large tower is easily greated. I am not familiar with the origional game, but the room seems small to me. Perhaps its an idea for us newbies to make it larger? (easy/hard mode)

Other than this, its an excellent game!

27-10-2005, 04:33 PM
First let me welcome you to PGD (even though you've been visiting for a while). Always a pleasure to see a new face around

Thanx Traveler, maybe my "face is new" to you but "yours" are not to
me ;) Me too have started reading some of you guys' tutorials :)

Anyway, the thing i put attention to is gameplay, it IS harder than tetris
because I wanted it to be so, but i can assure you that the more you play,
the easier it gets :)

Gfx is from Angy Chan that is a famous doller, you can see some of her
works on www.yumestudio.it (is in english)

About music well, to be honest it comes from chiptunes.org/com/???
or something, I just choosen something funny :) Same for Sfx.

Some minor things:
At the various menuscreens the enter key doesn't seem to work. Perhaps its me, but I tend to use the enter key before spacebar in menus.
A fullscreen option may be nice.
Instructionscreen isn't working (could be a wip I suppose)
Though I personally dont dislike the music, I can understand some people might, so an option to turn if off or at least to decrease/increase the volume, might be good.
I find this game much harder than tetris. Probably because a lot of times the items dont match and so a large tower is easily greated. I am not familiar with the origional game, but the room seems small to me. Perhaps its an idea for us newbies to make it larger? (easy/hard mode)

1-Yes, Enter is not working in that game, i confused with another i'm
developing :P
2-Not sure about this because the gfx would lose in appeal, already tried
but i can add it :)
3-There is no instruction screen so you just see black, yes it's wip
4-Interesting note, i'll add it soon!
5-In part i answered above but let me add that, as you move in a "step
by step" way if i enlarge the base it would take too much to get from side
to side when columns will be more than 3 items or so... Anyway, keep
practicing :) :)

Thanx for your comments, i appreciate them very much!

27-10-2005, 05:00 PM
Welcome to PGD FNX. A few more suggestions: the game starts way too fast, it should start much slower and gradually increase pace so novices could easily get into the game; I think movement while a key is pressed rather then on key press should be more comfortable.

27-10-2005, 07:54 PM
I made a newsitem about your game. I hope you'll get some extra feedback that way.

27-10-2005, 08:06 PM
Thank you guys,
it was a surprise to see the screenshot in the homepage!

I hope i can post the final version soon with all the improovements then!!
..and.. i have another one coming soon so, stay tuned ;)

27-10-2005, 09:48 PM
Great stuff FNX! I look forward to hearing about your future projects.

28-10-2005, 02:16 AM
Welcome to the world of being a PGD member, FNX. I was only able to play for several minutes, but I was very impressed by your game and the fairly professional feel of it. Great work! :)

Robert Kosek
28-10-2005, 02:39 AM
Wow, welcome to PGD! Nice work on the demo!

I would certainly suggest using a slow start and let it speed up to a ceiling, it'd make it alot easier. Fun music, sfx and sprites - excellent Nintendo style gameplay. I like it! :D

Thrice welcome FNX! Remind the game design industry that pascal ain't dead yet. ;)

28-10-2005, 11:00 AM
Thanks thanks thanks! :D
All your positive comments push me to do better and better!

I've already implemented most of the things you said including the
initial slowdown :P ehhehe

I think I'll post an update after this weekend!

Remind the game design industry that pascal ain't dead yet

I will! Even if my idea of games is far from actual scene, as you can see
I don't like 3d games but I'm "old school oriented". IMO the industry has
lost the original meaning of game, that is fun. The only name that seems
to remember that is Nintendo, that is my biggest inspirator :)

Please do not start flaming about that, I said IMO. And for "I don't like 3d
games" I mean that most of them are too much gfx oriented insteand of
gameplay. ;)

See ya!

03-11-2005, 03:09 PM
Hi all,

here is an update of my game :) you can find it same place as before

http://fnxgames.isfun.net WIP Page, first box

What's new (in no particular order):

-Some Gfx (title, logo, menu, how to play, fonts)
-Initial game is slower
-Window/FullScreen switch
-Mute/Raise music (not sfx) with PGDown/PGUp (buggy but soon fixed)
-Used Return key instead of Space in menus
-... i don't remember :P

Plaese give it a try!

In your opinion, can I assume that the game is 95% finished? I mean,
I'm not going to add multiplayer or something, I just see it as a standalone
little game. Do you think it would need something more to be considered

Thanx in advance!

03-11-2005, 06:08 PM
that is a nice game. :D

16-11-2005, 10:12 AM
News item finally posted.

10-05-2006, 02:00 PM
Hi all,
a couple of month ago I've uploaded an update of Babu Puzzle
but I forgot to post here, if anyone interested can download the new
version here:

Direct Download (

There aren't new things but I worked on speed and smoothness, now it
should be better balanced with the initial speed and the speed increase
level by level.

My game also appear on the italian gamedev portal www.gameprog.it.

Sorry for upping this old post ;)