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View Full Version : help me plz i wont to get started in more advanst scripting

yes its me the noob
28-10-2005, 12:22 AM
ok i have scriped a litle bit with pascal but not enuf to know mutch
so I need some one to tell me how to exequte my scrips becaus i dont realy no wut im looking for. i started in pascal to try to make an autominer for a game caled runescape and the compiler thing that i used or well the thing that exequted my scrips was cald scar

well i need a beter compiler if that is wut it is

so can you gies lest some good compilers that are free ot the internet or if there arnt any than lies some good ones that you know work realy good and how mutch that were


28-10-2005, 11:09 AM
A: This is a gamedevelopment forum.
B: Scripts like the one you mentioned are illegal (see rule 7 (http://www.runescape.com/guides/rules.ws))
C: We don't support illegal activities.