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View Full Version : Any good 3D format?

29-10-2005, 01:23 AM
I wrote an ASE loader for my 3D engine, but it doesn't support everything I need. I would like a format that has an exporter for 3DSMax 7, and supports meshes and materials, animation frames, lights, cameras, and skinning, at least. I also need the complete specification to write the loader. Thanks on advance guys!

08-11-2005, 10:15 AM
Write an exporter plug-in for 3dstudio max ro use 3ds file format.
Another good file format it's milkshape3d ms3d

08-11-2005, 12:27 PM
I quite like the Cal3D ( http://cal3d.sf.net ) format, but it's not fully optimized yet, but the API has loads of blending capabilities.

08-11-2005, 06:48 PM
I rolled my own. I do all my modeling in Milkshape , but I needed to add collision and physics objects to the model as well as mount points for weapons and engines etc. So I made used to joints in the milkshape format to define the mount points (by using the names of the joint to define the type of mount point) and I produced a separate model which defined the Collision and Body objects for the model (again using names to identify them). I then put this through my own optimizer/model parser and end up with a single model file (xml) of my own format which includes all the information I needed, including edge information, and optimized triangle strip groups.

I got the idea from the Torque engine over a www.garagegames.com, they use a similar technique. If I ever manage to get the time I'll release my model stuff for people to look at and use in their own projects.