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View Full Version : Some gags/sentences for my Soldier

04-11-2005, 10:30 AM

for my game we already recorded some funny sentences my soldier says.

Now I need some more. And because I need them in English, maybe somebody can help me (I'm german and don't know exactly what english/us people say exactly for that situation).

So if you have any good ideas for cool sentences for all kind of situations in a shooter game, tell me.

And I need two special:

Soldier is fighting against an alien dog. In german, a dog.owner says 'Aus' if he wants the dog to stop whatever. what do you say to stop a dog from whatever? Other interesting dog commands?

Soldier is fighting against something that looks a bit like a spider. If somebody hates spiders and sees a spider (or smashes a spider) what would he say?

Thanks for some suggestions,

04-11-2005, 02:07 PM
Stopping a dog.
"Sit, dog, sit. Good dog."
"Stop! Stay."

On seeing a spider
"Eight legs because you're too stupid to stand on two."
"I hate hairy things with more legs than me."
"A whole lot of legs, but you're still ugly."

On squishing a spider
"That's why I'm still top of the food chain."
"Me, one. Eight-legged fiend, nil."
"THAT'S for being ugly."

Robert Kosek
04-11-2005, 02:15 PM
Soldier is fighting against an alien dog. In german, a dog.owner says 'Aus' if he wants the dog to stop whatever. what do you say to stop a dog from whatever? Other interesting dog commands?We just say "stop" or "no", usually the latter. Some more commands would be: "wait" "stay" "heel" "sit" "[lay] down" "play dead" and depending on your release command "ok" or "release" or just about any other word.

Well, sometimes people make a mistake, or really screw something up, and they say "shoot". Hehe, I just look at them and say "bang". :D

Soldier is fighting against something that looks a bit like a spider. If somebody hates spiders and sees a spider (or smashes a spider) what would he say? Depends on how much he hates spiders. I'd say something like: "Just what we needed, more spiders." or "Ick, spiders."

04-11-2005, 02:33 PM
Hmmm. 'Bang' sounds not bad, and "Ick, spiders." is just what I am looking for. 'Play dead' is also very good. Thanks a lot!

Anybody else a good idea?


04-11-2005, 04:26 PM
Why not leave that dog as only understanding German. I think that would be a nice angle. That the dog only understands German commands. Also save you on a couple of resources. Make sure you add it to the back-story so that it seems plausible. Also gives the game a more cosmopolitan feel :).

As for spiders, you could always go for the Indiana Jones of "Damn, I hate spiders!" or a more generic "I'm getting too old for this sh*t!" Or may a "If I see one more spider I'm going to scream!" and occasionally when he see's a spider he screams.

04-11-2005, 06:52 PM
Hi everybody!

The dog is one of the enemies, so he wouldn't do what the soldier says and he cannot understand german, he's an alien dog. :D But that cosmopolitican stuff sounds good. 8)
I already thought about Indiana Jones like talking myself, only he hated snakes! No, the problem is those sentences are too long I guess.

Those dog sentecnes are very good!
Maybe I find a use for them :wink:
Those spider sentences are also cool, I have to make them shorter.
This is far the best:"THAT'S for being ugly." :lol: I can also use that for shooting an alien soldier... :wink:

Thanks a lot for those great suggestions! :D


04-11-2005, 07:19 PM
The dog is one of the enemies, so he wouldn't do what the soldier says and he cannot understand german, he's an alien dog. :D But that cosmopolitican stuff sounds good. 8)
I already thought about Indiana Jones like talking myself, only he hated snakes! No, the problem is those sentences are too long I guess.

Ah, I thought the dog was his to control, like a pet. So if you mean to scare the dog away how about just "Git!!" as in "Git out of here"

05-11-2005, 05:31 AM
It is an alien dog, we call it 'Spikedog' and it is one of the enemies.
Of course it cannot shoot or something but it is extremlly fast. :wink:

'Git' sound good, thanks. :wink:


07-11-2005, 07:20 AM
If it was a South African dog it would best understand "Voetsak" best way to write it in in english would be "foots-sek" - its an afrikaans term but in no uncertain terms tells the dog to go away :)

07-11-2005, 09:36 AM
Interesting command. thanks, cairnswm :D


07-11-2005, 06:56 PM
Didn't know about "voetsak" which sounds like Dutch for "foot bag" but in fact comes from "Voert seg ik" = "go away I say".

Sorry, off topic