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View Full Version : Qt3Clx for Delphi released

30-11-2005, 11:43 AM
Andreas Hausladen ('AndreasDOTHausladen@gNOMAILmx.de') has announced an updated to Qt3Clx ('http://unvclx.sourceforge.net/qt3clx.php')...

Qt3Clx is a set of patches against the original VisualCLX that ships with Kylix. These patches replace the outdated Qt 2.1 VisualCLX by a Qt 3.x VisualCLX. This is done by using a C++ wrapper shared object/DLL that works like the libqtintf.so. Compiling against Qt3Clx enables all features Qt3 offers like a much better integration into KDE 3.x due to theming or improved controls.
