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View Full Version : PalmOS Support

17-12-2005, 07:55 AM
Well it is even newer than my own GBA/DS support efforts(at least by the FPC Wiki's recordings), but how is it coming along?

There are already a few other PalmOS compiler alternatives, but if the guys working on this succeed in making it a fully intergrated part of FPC I can see it whooping the rest of the current PalmOS leaders.

(Save maybe PP Compiler, simply because it is a native Palm compiler. But then again a recompile of the FPC's source and you can 'in theory' provide that too.)

So, how is this new beast coming along? And when will it start to be seen in the standard issue FPC release?

Here is another interesting question too. Since not many Pascal programmers have jumpped on the .NET platform, would the Palm be any different?