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View Full Version : PGD Online Store

18-12-2005, 09:34 PM
Well both me and Dom have been toying with the idea of an online PGD Store for some time. However besides the obvious Ball Caps, T-Shirts, Mugs and Mouse Pads, what else would you guys like?

Give us some of your thoughts and ideas. What would you like to buy with a PGD logo or theme?

18-12-2005, 11:33 PM
As an example to what is already available, check out the old Delphi Gamer online store (still selling products!): http://www.cafepress.com/delphigamer/

19-12-2005, 12:34 AM
I love the idea but i don't really know what else you can sell that way..
I mean, I don't think any of us would buy a girlie bag or something :P

Anyway, just to discuss, I was thinking if it would be possible to have
a PGD Game Showcase in which we can sell our games. Let's say that the
PGD portal would be the "publisher" of us all, of course with a minimum
of payment.

It can involve some work putting together things like webpages and stuff
but i think it would spread our name a lot! Also we could have some sort of public game support forum where users may ask directly to developers.
Of course the PGD stuff will decide which game to publish and so on by
playing it and giving suggestions to developers..

It's just a little idea I was thinking about, maybe too complex, I don't know
but it might be interesting :)


19-12-2005, 07:53 AM
It's a good idea. I have some of the Delphi Gamer products and the quality is very good.

A place to publish games is also a good idea, this can be done through cafe press as well as you can cut data CD's there, but PGD would need to get a shop rather than a free account as you are limited to the number of CD's you can cut.

One thought how about a PGD compilation CD? Has say all the games and source(for thsoe that release it) from the Competitions. The proceeds could go to maintaining the site and domain names...

just a thought.


20-12-2005, 07:50 PM
Hmm... well I did already think of the compelation CDs. In fact that will be something I hope that Dom, Blue and I can get organized for each year's after-competition release.

As for the publishing, this is an idea I'd like persue further for sure. We would love the oppertunity to be able to have more Pascal game developers and development teams getting out onto the market and making more shareware and store bought games. However to make an actual publishing company--nevermind getting the kind of market recognition that bigger ones like Garage Games and Matrix Games have, would take a fair amount of work. And ultimately, take a bit more manpower than what we have here at PGD now.

But it's not a lost idea. So we can see what may come of it.