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15-04-2006, 11:59 PM
I will ask Dean about Stage 4.


As for Stage 2's goals:

"Make a basic level editor."

This one is simple. You did not make Blender so you don't get points for that. :) The goal was to make your own editor. Even a level constructor that took your blender-made enviroments and added in scripted or other level data into your level would have sufficed.

I thought that savage's post about "LEVEL EDITOR CLARIFICATION" (see page 7 of this thread) meant that documenting all the specifics about creating levels for my game with blender is enough. It was confirmed by the fact that I did get points for these goals from Dean. OK, so my bad.

So you should take away 10 from the points that Dean gave for my entry in stage 2. Easy come, easy go :)

"Create a simple level with editor to test (and show off) the engine features.".

This one is really a follow-up to the other...

That's clear, you're right.

As a side note; don't worry too much about missing a few points due to your game's development.

Sure, I don't worry :) I just wanted to get some clarification. Actually I just asked because "I was in the mood" after asking my previous question about my points for stage 5 :)

16-04-2006, 08:42 AM
I just noticed that Dean's points for stage 4 were given for my entry. Any reason why I don't have any points for "death sequence" ? It was surely implemented...

I got half way through judging the entry , then I really needed to sleep (I've got a bad case of tonsilitus at the moment), I was going to finsih the rest today. I guess judges should put an improgress comment if we can't get it finished in one go.

Sorry for the confusion.

16-04-2006, 02:12 PM
I just noticed that Dean's points for stage 4 were given for my entry. Any reason why I don't have any points for "death sequence" ? It was surely implemented...

I got half way through judging the entry , then I really needed to sleep (I've got a bad case of tonsilitus at the moment), I was going to finsih the rest today. I guess judges should put an improgress comment if we can't get it finished in one go.

Sorry for the confusion.

OK, no problem, thanks.

It seems everyone is sick playing my entry --- Eric got motion sickness, you got tonsillitis :)

As for your comments about my entry: Yes, I'll probably implement mouse look since it seems many people are used to it.

18-04-2006, 02:03 AM
If you guys need it to complete your goals and score the points, then go over 20MB, but if you can avoid it without damaging the effect of your entry, please try to keep file sizes down for bandwidth sake. Besides your user-base will love you for it too. ;)

Thanks Will

We estimate our final entry will be about 30mb with music. Its 20mb right now. We are going to try to compress everything down as small as we can tho!