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View Full Version : PGD spanish users

22-01-2006, 10:49 PM
I just wondered how many pgd users speak spanish?

23-01-2006, 08:15 AM
I'm not Spanish ( Australian actually ), but my wife is a MadrileAŹ±a. I worked in Spain for 2 years so speak Spanish and can read Spanish, though probably badly.

Bienvenido a PGD!

For anyone else who might be interested, I also speak French and am trying to learn Mandarin as it's the business language of the future ;).

23-01-2006, 12:59 PM
Mandarin is similar to Chinese?

23-01-2006, 01:08 PM
There are many dialects of Chinese, and Mandarin is supposed to be the "Common" language.

Que tipo de juego estas escribiendo?


23-01-2006, 03:43 PM
Since I'm Ukrainian living in Mexico, I can read/write/speak Spanish very well (in addition to Russian, English, Ukrainian and a bit of French).

Asi que puedo responder preguntas en espaAŹ±ol tambien. ;)

24-01-2006, 02:01 PM
I'm just leaving in Argentina so can speak spenish very well, but my family is russian.

Actually I'm not writing any game but.....
Escribi hace bastante un intento de juego con DelphiX, aquA- se puede bajar la demo:


Compiler used: Delphi
Librery: UnDelphiX
Resolution: 640x480x16 FullScreen and Windowed
Graphics: Actually they are mine.
Shot: X
Missle: Z
Move: Arrows Up, Down, Left, Right;


24-01-2006, 07:49 PM
Seems many of us here speak russian 8)

24-01-2006, 08:05 PM
A nice game EugenioEnko. The whole thing works pretty good for me, though perhaps a tad too fast for my taste. Collisions could use some work too as they don't appear to be pixelperfect.

Any plans for this demo to make it into something bigger?

25-01-2006, 12:31 AM
As I wrote the Demo too much time ago (1 year), can't remeber very well all the stuff. To do the backgroung I used my own Tile Map Editor maked with Delphi using TDrawCell.
Then I Tried with ActionScript (dont't kill me) and actualy I'd like to learn how to use DirectX with my self without DelphiX.
As I have time now to learn things will try to do some project, not to big but preaties.

Seems many of us here speak russian Cool

Da. :roll: :wink:

25-01-2006, 12:34 AM
Since I'm Ukrainian living in Mexico, I can read/write/speak Spanish very well (in addition to Russian, English, Ukrainian and a bit of French).

Asi que puedo responder preguntas en espaAŹ±ol tambien. ;)

I'm Ukranian too, but I'm leaving in Argentina