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View Full Version : global compiler settings

27-01-2006, 05:31 PM
when im developing my project i run with an external debugger so i can see whats going on etc. i turn the debugging on with a {$DEFINE DEBUG} but i have to do that in every unit.

is there a way to just do a {$DEFINE DEBUG} in 1 unit and have it working in all units?

i tried with the .cfg file but it didnt work and was overwritten every time i saved

27-01-2006, 05:54 PM
Hi tux,

If its Delphi, you can define conditionals using the Project Options dialog in the 'Directories/Conditionals' tab.

If its FreePascal, you can use the -d command line option for the compiler. -dDEBUG I believe (I've never used FreePascal, have just found that in the user manual online, so I could be wrong).

Hope this helps.

27-01-2006, 06:14 PM
ah thanks. yes im using delphi

i nearly had the awnser, instead of manually editing the .cfg file i put the debug definition in that box (i allways wondered what it was for).

for anyone who's wondering, i entered DEBUG in the conditional defines, not -dDEBUG (its saved as -dDEBUG in the .cfg file)