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View Full Version : MIDletPascal Games coming out of the woodwork...

28-01-2006, 02:03 PM
Since the announcement of the MIDletPascal ('http://www.midletpascal.com/') compiler a few days ago, quite a few people have already started playing with the compiler and created their first apps and games.

cairnswm ('http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/privmsg.php?mode=post&u=65') has created an app ( a stopwatch ('http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/viewtopic.php?t=2968') ) and a game called Magic Potion ('http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/viewtopic.php?t=2971')...


Well I think this is PGD's first Cell Phone Game!!

The new Artist that I am working with and I have just finished version 1 of Magic Potions, a simple Puzzle Game.

This version is released as Freeware.


Shortly afterwards EugenioEnko ('http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=731') uploaded his own puzzle game ('http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/viewtopic.php?t=2973')...

I tried to create a MIDletPascal Forum so that everyone's work could be centralised, but for some reason it just does not want to behave, so it is currently not visible. Maybe it will behave itself when WILL gets back in a week and a bit.

28-01-2006, 07:09 PM
I think this is a wonderful tool for hobby developers to be able to develop truly commercial games. The CellPhone platform still has vast opportunities for small and quick to develop games. Games that used to run on the very first consoles and personal computers can once again be a hit in the CellPhone market.

Within this site (PGD) there is enough knowledge to let pretty much anyone write a decent cell phone game. My Magic Potions game took around 5 hours to develop - including a lot of time fighting with case sensitivity issues.

28-01-2006, 08:42 PM
Case senvisite pascal, I shudder at the thought :wink:

Joking aside this looks like a great opertunity to develop for phones. I'm planning onlooking at this myself when I get a space minute.


28-01-2006, 09:27 PM
I have seen that MIDlet pascal have very much restrictions and bugs:
*Do not have classes
*Do not have enumerated types
*Do not have the "case of" sentence, you must youse many ifs....
*The parameters passed by refference can have bugs, the next code crushes.....

procedure swap&#40;a,b&#58; string&#41;;
c&#58; string;
c &#58;= a;
a &#58;= b;
b &#58;= c;

vector&#58; array&#91;0..10&#93; of string;

swap&#40;array&#91;1&#93;, array&#91;2&#93;&#41;; //DON'T WORK, THIS CRUSH

28-01-2006, 09:55 PM
Don't forget that you can still use Delphi to develop applications for WindowsCE-powered phones and things like PocketPC. ;)

28-01-2006, 11:05 PM
Don't forget that you can still use Delphi to develop applications for WindowsCE-powered phones and things like PocketPC. ;)
Like the new Nokia generation 8)