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31-01-2006, 10:46 PM
Hi everyone

Just incase you wondered I am still working on Alert fighter (http://alertfighter.mirthmedia.co.uk).

I have had some major problems with speed on low end machines and after some investigation I found it was down to the scripting system. It just wasn't fast enough for what I needed. So I'm re-working the whole system to still allow the designers to define which thrusters fire for certain control inputs, but the whole this will just run normal compiled code.

I might still hang on to the scripts for other non critical stuff though.

In the mean time I almost finished the Raptor model,so here's a quick peek




01-02-2006, 08:40 AM
Thats a fine looking model. How many polys in that thing?

The url posted appears not to work.
edit: url fixed

01-02-2006, 09:16 AM
I fixed the typo in Dean's link. The model does indeed look excellent!

01-02-2006, 09:56 AM
Thanks for fixing the link Dom :)

The model has

1244 Verticies
1492 Triangles

It was done using Milkshape. The image here has a bump map applied from within Unwrap 3D, I'm going to be implementing bump mapping in Alert Fighter over the next week or so (I hope)

Thanks for the feedback, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that thinks that ship looks good :wink:

02-02-2006, 11:52 PM
I finally finished the Raptor model

Final Vertex count is 1501
Triangle Count is 1724



BTW - I anyone wants any low poly space craft models doing (of this kind of quality) let me know and I might be able to help out (not for the Competition though as I'm a judge :wink: )

Here are a few other ships I've done/am doing.


This one is a definate work in progress :wink:


03-02-2006, 12:20 AM
That's a neat low-poly model! :D

P.S. How long (approx.) does it take to create a ship like this in Milkshape?

03-02-2006, 12:43 AM
Thanks Lifepower,

It took about a day/ day & half in total. I tend to use reference images when I'm building a ship that has already been designed, that makes it easier


03-02-2006, 10:51 AM
It really looks nice for a low poly ship!

21-02-2006, 09:38 PM
More updates. I got the raptor in game shots done now. :D



sorry if they appear a biut dark, it's something to do with taking the shots on my laptop. I'll try and sort it out later.

13-03-2006, 12:39 AM
Hey Dean I just found something rather neat on SciFi.com (the tv network that runs the show BSG).


It's a list of a whole bunch of ships that are used on the show. I think that it might help you with making the more proinent vessels in your game.

And the actual model of the newer Viper that I can't remember it being mentioned in the series yet, is the Mark VII. :D


BTW: How many of these do you think we'll actually see in the game?

24-09-2006, 10:28 AM
Just wondering what has come of this project, it hasn't been abandoned has it? Been looking forward to updates. :P

24-09-2006, 10:39 AM
I believe Dean is still working on it. I'm sure he'll clarify whether it is or not shortly.

24-09-2006, 04:35 PM
Hi people

I have been working on Alter Fighter, just not as often at the moment. Real life take presidence (at it always does).

I do have some problems though. The engine needs a rework, I have problems with the lighting when rendering bump mapped ships, I am changing a state variable somewhere and the lighting gets disabled for some reason. makes everthing look rubbish.

Another prpblem is the quality of the Galactica, Viper and Raider models they all need re doing. For example the Galactica needs the hanger bays done and it needs a smoother appearance, unfortunately I don't have the time to dedicate to getting some really nice models done so if anyone wants to take that challenge up let me know.

I am also looking at ditching ODE as a physics engine and moving to Newton, but that could be a long task. The physics engine at the moment just used Singles to store the x,y,z, location of an object. But there are not restrictions on the range so when you get to a certain distance the whole screen starts to shake due to floating point errors. So that needs to be changed as well.

So lots of problems need fixing. The good news is that the Event and Action system is working very well, it's all xml driven (as it most of the engine).

enough from me, if you can help out with the models please post or pm me. (if you do a good job I have another project that desperately needs concept and 3 d artists as well :D )

17-04-2007, 06:08 PM
I am offically ditching the first version of Alert Fighter. The game was looking antiquated to say the least, in addition to problems with lights and textures. I am still working on a new version that will use the InfinitEngine (http://infinitengine.infinitespace-online.net), which is alittle bit more modern.

But as a treat I have uploaded the first and last testbed of the application working. Please don't post a whole load of bugs in the software becuase I am no longer giving any time to maintaining this. But comments on how the craft fly would be appriciated as the new version will use a similar physics engine.

The included readme file should give you information on how to play the demo.

You can get the example here (http://www.mirthmedia.co.uk/projects/AlertFighter/alertfighterold.rar).

I'd rather this was not posted anywhere else.


17-04-2007, 07:26 PM
I've tried the demo, unfortunately it didn't run for me. It threw an error in the menu, upon selecting either the demo or "33" challenge mission.

The log says this:

<Session><Started><Time>21:19:49</Time><Date>dinsdag 17 april 2007</Date></Started></Session>
<LogEvent><Type>Status</Type><TimeIndex>21:19:49</TimeIndex><Location>bsgaf.dpr</Location><LineNumber>0</LineNumber><Message>Starting Application</Message></LogEvent>
<LogEvent><Type>Error</Type><TimeIndex>21:19:52</TimeIndex><Location>bsgaf.dpr</Location><LineNumber>0</LineNumber><Message>'-1.22' is not a valid floating point value</Message></LogEvent>
<LogEvent><Type>Status</Type><TimeIndex>21:20:00</TimeIndex><Location>bsgaf.dpr</Location><LineNumber>0</LineNumber><Message>Terminating Application</Message></LogEvent>

Apparently, there are some problems with decimals.

(Hmmm, haven't I read that before somewhere :think: :wink: )

19-04-2007, 04:11 PM
OK, Traveller , I know I said I wasn't going to fix any bugs but as it's you. :wink:

I put a new version up here (http://www.mirthmedia.co.uk/projects/AlertFighter/alertfighterold.rar).

19-04-2007, 07:39 PM

I'm afraid though the updated version still has the same bug. I noticed the filedate hasn't changed. Are you sure you've uploaded the correct archive?

In any event, I have changed the decial character settings on my laptop so I could play the game.

I thought the whole thing worked pretty good already actually. I didn't quite get the demo, but perhaps I did not gave it enough time to run (or I started pressing buttons which I shouldnt).

The flying in the "33"challange mission worked pretty good. I haven't played a whole lot of these sort of games. (Privateer 1 and 2, a few wing commander games, x-wing and freespace) But if my memory serves me well, the feeling was pretty much the same. Which is a good thing. One thing I did notice is that in the series, the raptors are able to turn very rapidly. I've tried to simulate that same thing, I could not make it to work. It's not a really big deal though, but could be a cool thing to have.

Another thing that might need some work is the key configuration, as I found the current cofiguration odd to say the least.

In any case, I hope you're able to use some of this code, to save you some time and I'm looking forward to the next demo!