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17-03-2006, 10:58 AM

i'm having problem with my collision handling (2D).. As i can see in this forum it looks like we got some skilled ones in here.. :D , i do have collision detection in my routines (rectangle <-> rectangle, polygon <-> polygon). But i dunno how i should handle the collision, for example..

My sprite makes a collision with the ground.. How do i get the "Projection vector" ?, or is there easier ways to get how much i shall move the sprite to not collide with the ground ? The ground can be a hill or whatever..

I looked at a couple of forums but have not really found anything on collision handling just detection..

Eager for some answers :D

BTW, i'm totally crap in math! And very new to this, i tried with Omega a while ago but real life made entry.. Now i'm back to try again..


17-03-2006, 11:57 AM
This is 1 way: First you need to find what is nearest point from collision point to ground. These 2 points form land's "normal vector". Then mirror object movement vector with normal vector.

P3f = record x,y,z&#58; single; end;

function glmReflectVector3f&#40;v, normal&#58; p3f&#41;&#58; p3f;
var temp&#58; single;

edit: This should be easy to convert in 2D too, or set Z as 0...

17-03-2006, 05:41 PM
Just a little clarification there:
And a short algebra session:

This is your character with the current 2D velocity vector shown&#58;

O <- character
/ <- velocity

^ <- Normal of the ground

Note&#58; a normal always points perpendicular to it's surface.

Then you add the velocity vector to the normal vector&#58;

<<===O <- character/object
| /
| /

To get out a vector of where your object SHOULD go..
That's this one&#58; <<=====

But there is one trick, you must normalise the normal &#58;&#41;
In other words your normal must be of the same length as your velocity.
So first measure the length of the velocity&#58;

Len = sqrt&#40;sqr&#40;Vel.X&#41;+sqr&#40;Vel.Y&#41;&#41;;

Then normalise the normal&#58;
Len2 &#58;= sqrt&#40;sqr&#40;Norm.X&#41;+sqr&#40;Norm.Y&#41;&#41;;

if Len2 <> 0 then
Norm.X &#58;= Norm.X / Len2;
Norm.Y &#58;= Norm.Y / Len2;

Now your normal is guaranteed to have a length of exactly 1. No matter where it's

Now just times it by Len to get it the same length as your velocity vector&#58;
Norm.X &#58;= Norm.X * Len;
Norm.Y &#58;= Norm.Y * Len;

Then get the result vector by adding the two&#58;

Result.X &#58;= Norm.X+Vel.X;
Result.Y &#58;= Norm.Y+Vel.Y;

Hope that helps.