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07-05-2006, 02:12 PM
I'm having problems uploading my entry with FireFox as well as IE. I hope you can fix this by downloading the entry submission from my website.

for the judges you can download this file:
I uploaded a .txt file with the message how to download SCAG

SCAG.rar, 20.5 MB
Could it be that the file is too large?

I also send WILL a PM.

Greetings NecroSOFT
Michiel Gijbels (NecroDOME@punkass.com)
FRank van Gent

07-05-2006, 02:17 PM
I also cant upload ours.

I can upload it to my friends and to my web server, but not to PGD!

07-05-2006, 05:40 PM
Some news concerning this issue?

I will try uploading in about 1 hour I guess.

07-05-2006, 06:55 PM
.S.C.A.G. is succesfull uploaded. We adjusted the size of our rar to 19,8MB. Hope it works for you

07-05-2006, 08:12 PM
Good news madwoody,

BUT the judges told us that 20 MB limit doesn't exist anymore. And now we can't upload when the entry exceeds 20 MB? I am between 20 and 21 MB with my entry, but I am unsure where I can safe 1 more MB. I already took a look at the filesize, but it's very late to compress some more things or even throw out features which needs graphics or sound.

Where are the admins to tell us what to do right now?

07-05-2006, 08:18 PM
I cut off the leveleditor and now I am at 19.9 MB *lol*

I try to upload again now... Hopefully it works.

07-05-2006, 08:48 PM
YEEHAW!! It works....

People, there IS an upload size limit at 20 MB!

07-05-2006, 09:39 PM
Looking forward to play the entry's and see the final score!!

07-05-2006, 09:42 PM
Hi All, I must have been asleep as I did not know that the file restriction had been lifted. I still thought it was 20MB. I have now changed it to 40MB for the next day or so if you want to upload your entries.

Btw, if I'm not mistaken, php cannot handle uploads bigger than about 50MB.

07-05-2006, 10:18 PM
Okidoki, this thread is called stage 6 feedback, so here is mine ^^


I am ashamed to say, that I seem to be too stupid to play your game.
I am not able to steer the players character in a way that he goes where I want. My mouse movement seem to be too unsensitive. I changed it in the options but it didn't help. I can move through mountains, is this intended? When I press "jump" I fly into the air like a superman reaching the skys... actually, unfortunately I am not able to play your game at all in a manner of "having fun". As I said, it may be my fault or maybe problems with my computer, don't know. Maybe I just don't understand the game at all! There is no collision and no gravity.... is this part of the "idea" of blocked? Please help me. I was so excited downloading your entry...

Played well for me... I find it a little hard, but I will try further on! Until now I saw the Ufo boss, nothing more :twisted:

Verne X: Didn't download yet because I had to upload my entry twice... there was a bug that the players tank didn't leave tracks on the ground (just added that ability to the enemy tanks and disabled it accidently on the players tank). I will download it right now (hopefully your upload worked).


EDIT: The upload of my entry to my personal webspace just finished:


Any comments are welcome (good or bad)!

07-05-2006, 10:32 PM
Just tried to test VerneX...

biggest issue: After playing about 1 minute game quit and I found myself back at the desktop. Sound works now, but the crashes seems to be still there.

second thing: I started the Air(?) mission right next to the workshop.
I found myself in the spaceship flying smoothly. But the enemys (I think they are asteroids as said in the briefing) are soooooooooooo fast, that they move from the right to the left of the screen within approximately 0.1 second.
I had no chance to avoid them or shoot at them. Impossible. Maybe you don't take care of processor speed, don't know. Maybe it's intended to be so fast. But if I would blink my eyes in the "spawn moment" I wouldn't even see them.

Hope this helps to maybe fix some things in the future.


07-05-2006, 10:40 PM
Please only use the "newton.dll" provided (1.50) to run Blocked, other version of Newton will give unpredictable results like you described.

07-05-2006, 11:02 PM
Hmm... I just checked my whole harddisk for other newton.dll's.... found 2 or 3 in directories which are not in any global path-location, but deleted them. Started again (the newton.dll in your blocked directory is the only one on my harddisk), nothing changed... the game starts within a mountain, is this right?
I can move under the terrain, see through the mountains then and see water under my feet. Same in the tutorial. The game start within a mountain....

07-05-2006, 11:33 PM
Are you using a German language setup on your OS?

There is a problem loading values from INI files etc, from foreign languages where they use "commas" instead of "periods", for floating point numbers.
Our game uses "periods" so make sure your language setup uses those.

07-05-2006, 11:38 PM
Yes, I am german ^^

And of course my system is setup as local standard is definded. I will take a look at it tomorrow. For now, I have to go to bed. It's already monday here ^^ nearly 2 o'clock... and I have to get my butt to office tomorrow :(


08-05-2006, 04:33 PM
I'm also German! Well, my parents are of German ancestry, I was born in Canada.

08-05-2006, 05:36 PM
Ah, I see.... Do you understand german? I mean, living and growing up in Canada does not need any german ^^

08-05-2006, 06:54 PM
Are you using a German language setup on your OS?

There is a problem loading values from INI files etc, from foreign languages where they use "commas" instead of "periods", for floating point numbers.
Our game uses "periods" so make sure your language setup uses those.

DecimalSeparator := '.';
before converting values from config file. This way it will work regardless of user locale.

08-05-2006, 07:37 PM
I got rid of the problem by saving only integers

An easy way to do so:

// Save
integer := Round( Float * 10000 );

// Load
Float := integer / 10000;

09-05-2006, 08:22 AM
Ok, results page seems ready to go ^^

11 competitors seem to have submitted their entry. I just wanted to wish everyone good luck!

It's really thrilling, that there are some entrys I didn't see a single screenshot from :wink:

09-05-2006, 10:48 AM
Ok, results page seems ready to go ^^

Once again my entry is listed as the first one on the list of stage 6 submissions, thanks to uploading one last version 10 minutes before the deadline :)

09-05-2006, 11:29 AM
Are the contest entries downloadable from anywhere? A link to may game is included above and I was wondering if I could download the other games.

09-05-2006, 12:16 PM
SCAG and TANX are also available in this thread. BLOCKED started another thread called BLOCKED! where you can download it.

That makes 4 (including yours) I have found now.

Will said the entry will be downloadable after the contest. I think he will publish the links, soon. Just give him some time ^^

09-05-2006, 01:49 PM
Yup, the deadline by now would have been finally reached. :)

I'd like to say to all competitors, really amazing work this year and good luck with the final judging!

Yes, I'll be posting the final entries on the details page of the competition page. I'm going to be away at sea for the next 2 nights however, so I'll start it when I get back from that.

See everyone in 3 days. ;)

11-05-2006, 12:17 PM
Played S.C.A.G. again... managed to get to the ice level!!! (I think it's the last)

But unfortunately the game crashes in that level... is there an update available which fixes this? Can't say anything about the error, game hangs and I don't see an error message. Have to quit with ALT+F4 then.

I'll try it again later. It crashed 3 times now in the same level. In all other levels, I didn't get any crash.

- ATI Radeon X800 Pro, 256 MB
- P4 HT 3 Ghz
- 1024 MB RAM
- 260 GB HDD
Latest drivers of course, and DirectX 9.0c installed


11-05-2006, 01:20 PM
where exacly does it crash?
In the begining? at loading? behind a certain point?

Ice level is the final map...

You can press P to skip a level!

11-05-2006, 01:25 PM
I play the level, no errors for me...

It's the first time I heard about this error.

11-05-2006, 02:33 PM
Have to tell you later... I will be back at home late this evening...

But I think it's about 1 or two minutes after levelstart, so I already played the first part of the level. Don't know if a special enemy tried to spawn or something. I will investigate further on. But not today... going to get some beer with colleagues now :lol:


12-05-2006, 08:09 PM
Hey NecroDome! I've played through SCAG now, completed it without cheating! I thought it was fun; reminded me of Raptor, which I used to play on my old DOS machine. Really like the music too; Deus Ex is one of my favorite games ;).

Good job!

12-05-2006, 08:54 PM
I must agree with idee_fixe, a nice game that brings back memories of Raptor. I do need to practise some more though, as I had quite a bit of trouble surviving even the first level.
Nice touch with the slide from a side to top scroller!

One tiny annoyance, is the mousepointer that stays visible during the game, but that's nitpicking really. :wink:

13-05-2006, 10:07 AM
Hi NecroDome.

Finished your game, too. Very nice work!

The endboss was nice, but he was not able to hit me when I stay in the middle of the screen between the shooting parts of his "turret". So the endfight was very easy, just don't move and shoot :)

I had another exception in level 2, but after clicking the message box away I was able to go on.

http://upload3.postimage.org/234129/scagerror.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/234129/photo_hosting.html)

All in all a very nice work you made! Fast gameplay, nice graphics and tons of action.

13-05-2006, 11:35 AM
I'm trying to fix that... but the problem is: I don't know where the error is :S it seems thats i'ts almost random :S

13-05-2006, 11:44 AM
use try...except much... and handle errors your own way (logging etc). This way you will find it. And of course you could just prevent the messagebox from appearing (dirty way).

14-05-2006, 01:40 PM
How can I prevent the messagebox from appearing? (Code plz)

14-05-2006, 02:22 PM
One sure fire way is to hook the application.onException event.

The prototype is:-

procedure (sender:TObject;e:exception) of object;

Any unhandled exception else where in the code will be caught by this... or thats the theory. If you are using threads or anything like that, its not guaranteed.

What you do with the exception once its in there is up to you.

14-05-2006, 02:30 PM
Are you using Delphi?

If so, just place your render and processing calls in a try-except block and do nothing in except block.



As I already mentioned, this is the dirty way. There always is a good reason for exceptions to be thrown. This way you just ignore it, even if the system gets unstable as a result of the error.


15-05-2006, 01:48 PM
Yes, I'll be posting the final entries on the details page of the competition page. I'm going to be away at sea for the next 2 nights however, so I'll start it when I get back from that.


howsit? :lol:

15-05-2006, 02:56 PM
Thanks, I will try it when I update .S.C.A.G.

15-05-2006, 04:07 PM
Are you using Delphi?

If so, just place your render and processing calls in a try-except block and do nothing in except block.



As I already mentioned, this is the dirty way. There always is a good reason for exceptions to be thrown. This way you just ignore it, even if the system gets unstable as a result of the error.


Unless this has changed recently and IIRC, there used to be a speed penalty for wrapping code with try/except ( maybe even try finally ), especially in a render loop. I would suggest trying to find out what causes the AV and fixing that instead and only use a try except at the very top of the code hierachy.

15-05-2006, 06:06 PM
try...except does hit you with a speed penalty, but only if you make use of the except.

count : integer;
loop : integer;
start : cardinal;

fred : TLabel;



for loop:=1 to 1000000 do

if &#40;fred<>nil&#41; then

memo1.lines.add&#40;'No Try &#58; '+intToStr&#40;getTickCount-start&#41;&#41;;


for loop&#58;=1 to 1000000 do


memo1.lines.add&#40;'Try &#58; '+intToStr&#40;getTickCount-start&#41;&#41;;

This code snippet... the first loop executes in between 0-10 ticks, the second takes around the 270-290 tick mark. If all references to fred are removed, then they execute in the same time.

My quick test was compiled with Delphi 5 and was done on an Athlon 800.

15-05-2006, 07:55 PM
I had quite an interesting result when I looked further into the performance of this type of function..

I ran the test 10 times, starting with a 0% failiure rate for the inner procedure and increasing each time by 10%.

Here's my code: Note label1 is a valid control on the form.

count &#58; integer;
loop, bigloop &#58; integer;
start &#58; cardinal;

fred &#58; TLabel;

for bigloop &#58;= 0 to 10 do


for loop&#58;=1 to 1000000 do

if random*10 > bigloop then fred &#58;= label1
else fred &#58;= nil;

if &#40;fred<>nil&#41; then

memo1.lines.add&#40;'No Try &#58; '+intToStr&#40;getTickCount-start&#41;&#41;;


for loop&#58;=1 to 1000000 do

if random*10 > bigloop then fred &#58;= label1
else fred &#58;= nil;


memo1.lines.add&#40;'Try &#58; '+intToStr&#40;getTickCount-start&#41;&#41;;
memo1.lines.add&#40;' '&#41;;

And it turns out that if your function works fine almost all the time (ie. a best case), a try except clause is actually *slightly* faster! I guess this is because the Non-Try code has one extra If Then statement. But from about 10-15% failiure rate, the overhead of the try except clause can be seen, and it is pretty big...


P.S. Dont quote me here. Does it look believeable to you? Have I got my 'math' right?

15-05-2006, 08:00 PM
Interesting stuff !!!

I avoid using "try" in any loop.
I only use it in one shot procedures where the user runs something fishy,
like a console command, or file loading.

15-05-2006, 08:14 PM
Hey Dirk,

I was just looking at the config file for Tanx, and I noticed it uses '.' instead of ',' for decimal places. I know you had a problem with Blocked using '.' in the config file, so I just thought it was a little odd to see it in your game!

Is the config file generated by the executable and saved using local settings, or did you have the fore-sight to use '.' instead of ','?

15-05-2006, 08:32 PM
You are right, I don't do anything to avoid decimals problem and unfortunately I use floats to store in the inifile. In my case I didn't see the problem, because I use them only for volume and gamma settings etc.

Did you have problems with it?

If not, maybe Delphi 2005 (which I used to compile) takes care of the language setting.....


15-05-2006, 10:09 PM
No, the floats didn't cause any problem on my system - Tanx is very error free for me! I was just wondering because I thought you were using some neat trick to get around the international compatibility problems!

15-05-2006, 10:18 PM
Then it seems that Delphi 2005 compiler takes care of it. Maybe Borland adjusted the Read-functions for TInifile-class.

I spent very much time on being errorfree. I tested on many different machines (about 30) and video cards (about 15 different ATI and NVidia models, from brandnew down to Geforce 2 MX cards).
Additionally, Asphyre has a quite stable status, even if 3D support is limited and very new in it. I think I am the first person who did a "whole" 3D game with Asphyre.


15-05-2006, 10:33 PM
Well I think you did a great job with being bug free in Tanx.
Probably will win the "Most Stable" award ;)
Altho ... there are a few games that we havent seen yet!!

Stabililty is also a high priority of mine, but there were a couple bugs that slipped by me. Patched em up, but if the judges hit those bugs, I'm sure we'll get dinged. Considering the complexity of our game, I think its quite stable! Big thanks to Michalis or I wouldnt have known how to fix that language problem. I use Delphi 7 to code (*cross fingers for new compiler*)

15-05-2006, 10:51 PM
Yes, I am very curious about the entrys which we haven't seen anything from. No screenshots, no nothing.

Hopefully WILL posts the promised downloadlinks soon. I have tested all "available" games much, even if I was not able to finish them all (yours for example).

All in all I have to say, you did a great job in the time we had! That's for sure. In your future work on this project, please spend some more time in responses to players action. For example give enemys a lifebar, hit sounds, explosions when hit etc. Thats the biggest thing I am missing in your game. You cannot estimate how much you already damaged your enemy.


15-05-2006, 11:11 PM
By the way, any progress in judgement already?

Don't want to jostle, just asking :)

16-05-2006, 07:46 AM
First up, well done to all the competition entries for this compo, their really good.....Tanx Rox!

Anywayz I noticed some talk on decimal points and ini files or something and was wondering if this would help....
..sorry if it don't relate, I'm a crappy coder really ;)

PS this was the first time I got to see the new Firefox spell checker in action, I like it :)....funny it doesn't know the word Firefox :P

16-05-2006, 08:53 AM
Welcome to the forums PAEz.

The link you posted is "related" to the problem, but it doesn't fit right to the problem which happened here. The thing was reading floats from Inifiles which caused problems because of regional language settings of windows.

We already found some fixes for this issue, and Delphi 2005 seems to take care of that in the TIniFile class itself.

Anyway, thanks for the tip!

And thanks for your statement concerning Tanx ^^


16-05-2006, 07:24 PM
Dirk, I just completed Tanx; good job on it!

I have a couple points of feedback, if you are interested:

- When playing in Windowed mode the mouse would keep going outside of the game screen area, so when I would aim at something and click to shoot, whatever is behind it on the desktop would pop up. This created a big problem when fighting the bosses with the flamethrowers, because I tried to keep as far away as possible, but then I couldn't shoot them!

- I found from time to time I couldn't tell which way was forward and what was back on the tank, because of the symmetrical body. Maybe creating a more 'wedge' shaped body might help...or maybe I should just pay better attention ;).

Overall it was a good game!

16-05-2006, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the comments! ^^

The issue with the mouse shouldn't appear. I wonder why the mouse isn't captured when you play.

I programmed it the following way:

- Playing the game (steering the tank) in windowed mode, captures the mouse to the window.
- Entering menus etc. releases the mouse for real windowed mode as wished by Eric.

I'll take a closer look, how it could be that the mouse isn't captured in your case while fighting. This was not intended.

Concerning the tank direction. Yes, the corpse is symmetrical. And it is hard to see what is front and what is back.... maybe I change the tank corpse for further releases.... Or I add something else as "front"-indicator :wink:

Thanks again for the comments!


16-05-2006, 08:51 PM
I think the mouse error only occurs after I hit escape and enter the menu; i didn't notice it up to that point. What might be happening is your release it when you enter a menu, but then you don't re-acquire completely when you go back to the game!

16-05-2006, 09:43 PM
Thanks for the hint. I will investigate this.


16-05-2006, 10:39 PM
This try...except stuff would make for a part of an interesting optimization article...

I had quite an interesting result when I looked further into the performance of this type of function..



(suttle hint hint Athena (http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=21760#21760)) ;)

Nice chart Mike! ...tee hee I quoted him anyway. :lol:

28-05-2006, 02:58 PM

I recently posted some screen shots of Torture tanks on sulaco if you guys want to have a look.

the direct link is:Torture Tanks screen shots (http://www.sulaco.co.za/rage_game_engine/torture-tanks-screen-shots.htm) you can click on the seperate images for bigger versions.

Dont know about you guys, but this game compo drained me :shock:

I had to take a holiday from my home PC LOL :D

28-05-2006, 03:30 PM

The screens look very good! is there a playable version for download available?

Personally, I tried to do some development on Tanx after the compo, but then I stopped it, because I was drained too. I was not able to code senseful stuff for about one week. Now, I have to do some things on a little project for my job and that's why development of Tanx is still stopped. But when I finish the little project I will go on with Tanx.

By the way, is there a chance to get some feedback how long the judgement will take? It's three weeks now and not a single information about the stage 6 entrys.


28-05-2006, 09:31 PM
McCLaw: Aye! But it looks great. ;)

28-05-2006, 10:45 PM
cool McClaw
lookin forward to playing it

28-05-2006, 10:50 PM
One thing that sort of made me scratch my head in this competition. This obsession with tanks. (and other military craft) :scratch: What made all you guys choose tanks and planes as your theme? :lol:

28-05-2006, 11:21 PM
One thing that sort of made me scratch my head in this competition. This obsession with tanks. (and other military craft) :scratch: What made all you guys choose tanks and planes as your theme? :lol:

Hmmm.... good question. In my case, there were two reasons:

1. Asphyre eXtreme doesn't support animated meshes in its current release, so I had to use some kind of player an enemys which I can create out of static 3D meshes (tank = corpse + turret, heli = corpse + rotors etc)

2. I always wanted to make a game in the style of one of my favourite games on the amiga: Firepower

That's why I personally chose tanks as "theme".

29-05-2006, 06:12 AM

The screens look very good! is there a playable version for download available?

Personally, I tried to do some development on Tanx after the compo, but then I stopped it, because I was drained too. I was not able to code senseful stuff for about one week. Now, I have to do some things on a little project for my job and that's why development of Tanx is still stopped. But when I finish the little project I will go on with Tanx.

By the way, is there a chance to get some feedback how long the judgement will take? It's three weeks now and not a single information about the stage 6 entrys.


Hey Dirk :)

The game currently has a few annoying bugs that need to be sorted before I'll release a playable version on sulaco.

I also want to update the AI (HELP AIDAVE) ;) because what we have now is very basic.

Once I have finished my "Forced Rest Period" I'll look into fixing up Torture Tanks again.

29-05-2006, 06:14 AM
McCLaw: Aye! But it looks great. ;)

Tanks (xuse the pun) Will!! ;)

29-05-2006, 06:16 AM
cool McClaw
lookin forward to playing it

Thanx bro :)

I sent the "broken" version to a designer friend of mine, and he enjoyed it(as is) so it should be a cool game to play eventually.

29-05-2006, 06:33 AM
One thing that sort of made me scratch my head in this competition. This obsession with tanks. (and other military craft) :scratch: What made all you guys choose tanks and planes as your theme? :lol:

Basically Our decision was based on our engine's current capabilities.

Rage 3D does support inverse kinematics and weighted animation blending, but we have a few memory leaks in the code, so we decided to go with someting a little less hectic.

Also, the deadlines for the game was pretty steep, and character animation takes quite some time, so we decided that a semi static object (like a tank) would be faster to implement.

The physics on a tank is also simpler than the physics on a biped.

We did have to completely redo our physics engine while coding the game entry, so simpler was definately better in our case. :)

29-05-2006, 04:05 PM
Hurray! Some scores are being posted! I'm on the edge of my seat!

Eric, I'm just curious, you made a comment that Village Defense didn't have a ending sequence, but you gave them the points for it? I'm just wondering - you don't have to justify the scores to me!

29-05-2006, 07:13 PM
Coolness! :D

Thanks for the comments although they amaze me greatly.

After quitting the game, the music keeps playing in the background (the .exe doesn't terminate, but even after killing it in the task manager, music still doesn't stop).
You're the first to mention this problem. It surprises me that even after shutting it down in taskmanager it keeps on playing. :shock: (I have encountered it a couple times with Windows Media Player, so you could say I'm in good company :))

When you quit the game, normal resolution isn't restored untill you kill the .exe in the task manager.Could be a result of the previous bug.

Eric, I'm just curious, you made a comment that Village Defense didn't have a ending sequence, but you gave them the points for it? I'm just wondering - you don't have to justify the scores to me!
Perhaps it is because there is a sequence for losing the game.

29-05-2006, 11:34 PM
Traveler - That makes more sense! I just found that that particular comment did not reflect the score, so I was just curious - don't worry, I won't ANALysis everyone's scores. :)