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View Full Version : Creating Smoke/fog Programmatically.

06-10-2013, 08:20 PM
I've been programming a game for a while now ( for learning purposes, as it is my first. ), but I have hit a brick wall.

I want to create smoke/fog on a black background ( with DelphiX ). I have searched the NET for tutorials and such,
but cannot find anything. I have looked into particle systems too, but most of the tutorials I find is quite complicated and the sample code I found tends to confuse me.

One solution will be to create smoke effects in Photoshop, but that isn't really an option cause I'm no good with drawing :).

I don't know if any of you have played SKYRIM before? Well at the main menu there is a fog/smoke effect right? That's what I want. I've spent 2 months trying to figure this out with no luck. Any of you have ideas/sample code/tutorials that might help?

07-10-2013, 12:22 PM
Smoke effect is easiest achieved with a 4-channel image, such as PNG. With image editing software such as free Gimp, you can make a semi-transparent blur of white-gray'ish colors. Have background of image fully transparent, and then paint with fading circle brush. In a game you only have to draw that on screen with no fancy tricks involved.

07-10-2013, 02:19 PM
Souns like a plan, but if I do this, will it be animated? Smoke moving over the screen randomly? As tthis is the goal I am trying to achieve.