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View Full Version : DanJetX starting to be very cool

13-05-2006, 09:19 AM
Dan has been busy with his DanJetX components.

It is already possible to easily make 3d games in dx9. He is continually adding stuff to the the component set.

Check out his latest landscape demo


We are using some of Dan's programs within our educational software suite. Dan has written a 3d shootem up, a 3d dungeon first person adventure and an animated 3d clown program.

If you are interested in making games in delphi I would recommend DanJetX.

15-05-2006, 06:59 AM

yes the landscape sample is absolutely fantastic 8)

I just started my own project based on DanJetX just the first steps in making a new game based on DanJetX, I will soon tell more.

@Czar: I once saw a 3D space shooter, I guess it is the one you mentioned? May I see the other stuff, too? To take a look without code would be enough, I am exploring possibilities. :wink:


15-05-2006, 09:05 AM
I can only show you screen shots as the programs are tied to our COM object and other stuff that needs to be installed etc.

http://upload3.postimage.org/246414/kosmos1.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/246414/photo_hosting.html)

http://upload3.postimage.org/246457/Dungeon1.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/246457/photo_hosting.html)
http://upload3.postimage.org/246462/Dungeon2.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/246462/photo_hosting.html)

These two programs were made using danjetx in a reasonably short time frame. The dungeon program uses animated meshes.

15-05-2006, 09:08 AM
The screens are looking very good indeed 8)

It would be interesting how you made the glowing effect on the items.


15-05-2006, 10:34 AM
I imagine they're a couple of images on top of eachother.

But yeah, nice screenshots!

15-05-2006, 10:45 AM
Just an image which is drawn using add-method I guess. If it is really glowing, the Alpha channel is modified in time, too. Since all glowing effects seem to be camera oriented, he uses Billboards to render them I think.


15-05-2006, 10:51 AM
Yes, this could be it.

In the old landscape sample there were billboards I remember, and they looked pretty the same.


15-05-2006, 10:54 AM
This is also the way I draw some of my explosions in Tanx :D

15-05-2006, 10:59 AM
The explosions in Tanx look great.

I need to get my pal which does grafix to get to work then I have soon some first stuff to show. :wink:


15-05-2006, 06:22 PM
DanJetX... thats an odd name...

"asphyre" is the funniest tho

15-05-2006, 08:08 PM
The Guy's handle is Dan. His component set is fast and it is all about directx.

That would be my guess.

Here is another screen shot of a program written with DanJetX. In this one kids get to pimp their car by changing parts of their car.

http://upload3.postimage.org/249476/mods.jpg (http://upload3.postimage.org/249476/photo_hosting.html)

16-05-2006, 06:32 AM
Also looking very good. :D

Cool games for kiddies you have there and looking very professional. 8)
