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View Full Version : Understanding GLSCene

13-06-2006, 08:21 AM
Hi again.

I have a question (remember, i'm new in game development)

In "normal" game develoment, you create a directx "scene" (or opengl, SDL etc..) and then, you "paint" there.

But, in GLScene, is different? My question is about the use of visual components and a form.

A game developed in Lazarus+GLSCene would be, a TForm+TGLSceneViewer with all the components of the game? (and the code sepparated by units) or the use of differents TForm+TGLSceneViewer (plus code sepparated by units) for every "tasks" you need?

I hope i explain me correctly :?

P.D.: I think would be good for newbies like me, the source of a real game to study it in adittion with the demos (some charitable soul?) . The demos are good to see particles (for example), but is a demo. In a game you can see GLScene used in "real" project, all the components needed in a game working at the same time (fire, fog, bsp maps, models, collision, ode, particles etc... etc...)

13-06-2006, 01:08 PM
The AirBlast demo comes with source, and is a complete network playable game developed by the Lead Developer of GLScene. What more could you ask for?

In fact, there are litterly 100's of games done with GLScene, check out the NG's and do a google. Lots of people have spent time putting together good samples and quality products with the package.


PS: I know that AirBlast is for Delphi, but the same concepts work in Lazarus. Also try contacting SkinHat about the lazarus port. He wrote all the games on his site in Lazarus+GLScene if I remember correctly. His version also includes the BSP and Quark implementations.

13-06-2006, 02:19 PM
You will need more than just a GLSceneViewer and a Form.

You also need:
GLScene (holds the 3d objects)
GLCadencer (updates the view)
GLCamera (inside the GLScene)

and probably:
GLMaterialLibrary (holds textures)

the tutorial/demos are essential, study those.

btw, i dont recall airblast having network mode

13-06-2006, 03:03 PM
You also need:
GLScene (holds the 3d objects)
GLCadencer (updates the view)
GLCamera (inside the GLScene)

I know. I speaked about the develop concept. I don't know how to explain, sorry :(