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View Full Version : XCESS Game Development Kit

Harry Hunt
10-03-2003, 08:48 AM
Hi there!
I just released my XCESS Game Development Kit which is mostly a set of DirectX wrapper classes for Delphi 5 and higher, but it also contains three tools including a bitmap font editor, a graphical user interface editor and a package editor. Using the package editor you can store a virtually unlimited number of files of any format in a single package file.
XCESS also contains a thread driven timer component, a sprite engine, a system info component, a component that uses the Windows GDI for relatively fast graphics and a sound component that works without DirectX.
The XCESS Game Development Kit comes with 28 sample programs, a 370 page help file and three additional help files, one for each tool.
Oh, and of course its open source and free for both non-commercial and commercial use.
You can download the pre-release version at http://www.xsdevkit.com

10-03-2003, 11:25 AM
Very nice work! The interface editor seems quite lovely judging by the screenshots. I've have a nosey around the source code some time! :drunk:

A quick suggestion: you could probably get the thing running under Delphi 4 if you remove "variants" from the uses clause where listed and deselect "text dfm" for every form (right-click). Shouldn't be too much of a stretch after that (though that depends on what classes you're using, of course...).

Harry Hunt
10-03-2003, 07:20 PM
I don't currently have Delphi 4 installed so I couldn't test it, but I will see if I can make the next release Delphi 4 compatible.

Delphi 4 supports overloaded methods and dynamic arrays, right? Because if it does, there is no reason why XCESS shouldn't compile under Delphi 4.

10-03-2003, 11:19 PM
Very impressive. I've posted a news item on turbo (http://turbo.gamedev.net) about it.

Harry Hunt
11-03-2003, 04:21 AM
thanks a lot! much appreciated!

Kim Friis
11-03-2003, 12:59 PM
This looks very promising, but I cannot find the DDUtil.pas that is needed in the DxDirectDraw.pas? Anybody got that file? I have tried with some of the ones I can find on the net, but with no luck.

11-03-2003, 01:18 PM
This looks very promising, but I cannot find the DDUtil.pas that is needed in the DxDirectDraw.pas? Anybody got that file? I have tried with some of the ones I can find on the net, but with no luck.
Did you try the one on Harry Hunt's website?... :?

Kim Friis
11-03-2003, 01:48 PM
:lol: Darn I'm blind.... I think I need to go see the doctor.

Well I actually also found one that worked on an russian site, but now I will be using this one.

It looks very good. I have some surgestions for it that might find it's way on the forum for the product.