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View Full Version : Gearing up for v1.0 final release...

19-07-2006, 07:59 PM
Hi All,
Well the family has flown out, so I have 6 weeks to try and
finally get JEDI-SDL v1.0 out the door. It's been in beta for nearly 2
years I think, if not longer.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Areas that they think need to be
seriously addressed, compatability issues?

Don't be shy, now would be the worst time to be shy. So please speak up!

19-07-2006, 08:13 PM
... :D

Well you know where my area of interest is... sdlutils.pas --Where are my drawing functions? ;)

Plus I think that you were going to change some of the conventions (functions) --or should I say fix-- so that they make more sense. Those that are SDL_* and those that say JSDL_* for the sdlutils unit.

I may have some improvements for the unit's drawing functions too (faster/improved circle, alpha circle and others), more so for the ones I created for it though.

In addition, I remember adding some basic math precalculations for speed. (trig functions) Probably should discuss the usage of this for the draw rotation functions.

19-07-2006, 09:34 PM
Maybe you could add more gradient styles in sdlutils? Like directional gradient from point to point :oops: Circle gradients etc. are also very welcomed :D

I don't know, I just started with SDL, but are there any memory control/status routines? I mean eg. the amount of video/system memory with is taken by pSDL_surfaces and other SDL' stuff...

20-07-2006, 10:01 PM
Its a minor thing but I would like to see the GL and GLU loading routines changed, so they return success or failure.

20-07-2006, 10:53 PM
Oh, and just to be clear on what is planned; Will JEDI-SDL 1.0 fully support SDL 1.2.11 on all 3 major platforms? (Linux, Win32 & Mac)

That'd be cool.

21-07-2006, 08:08 AM
Don’t forget to add my demos / tutorials :) its been 3 years since I’ve made them, so I hope your email archive is well oganized.
hope I still got them around, somewhere.. Now if I were a 3 years old project where would I be.. :think:

08-08-2006, 11:46 AM
Sooo! Savage, how's it going? I can't wait 8)

08-08-2006, 06:32 PM
It's still going. Plodding along really. Hoping to have something for people to play with in the next week or so.

13-08-2006, 11:38 PM
hey Dom. Do you want me to post resend my JEDI-SDL sdlutils.pas modifications to you? You remember the extra drawing functions and speed improvements to existing ones.

Had some cool stuff like DrawCircle, DrawRect, with Fill and Alpha options. I could fix em up a bit and make them a little nicer convention-wise too if you want. (they were sort of first drafts afterall)

The only (contraversal?) addition that was not directly related to the drawing functions was the addition of a trig pre-calculation table. Used mostly for the quicker DrawRotate/DrawRotateAlpha functions. Some potential users might find this to be a bit of an unwanted extra as they will have their own stuff sometimes. Others might like it because of it's speed. But then it questions weither or not it belongs in the sdlutils unit.

Let me know what you feel about this. I'll try to help in whatever way I can. I think thee extra draw routines at the least will be of benifit to those that would like to use them.

14-08-2006, 08:45 AM
Yes please resend it to me.

30-09-2006, 05:40 PM
I've finally checked in all the 2D demos to the v1.0 branch. Please test with FreePascal if you've got it and in particular on Linux.

30-09-2006, 07:51 PM

That all compile and run under win 32.

The gamma demo did somethign weird, it turned my whole screen red when I hit the escape key (not just the window but the whole screen) and the screen stayed that colour until I rebooted.... weird.

I will try under linux asap


01-10-2006, 04:32 PM
Compiled and ran under linux :-D

01-10-2006, 05:47 PM
Did you get the same Gamma issue on Linux as well?

01-10-2006, 07:13 PM
I'll double check (it was late :wink:)


26-11-2006, 12:39 AM
Some patches have been applied to CVS and a few more are left to do.