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View Full Version : Free J2ME Hosting

20-07-2006, 10:43 AM
Hi all,
sorry for not posting for a long time ;)

Lately I'm developing J2ME games (not by midletpascal) and I've found
this site that might be of your interest if you're still developing midlets
and you don't have your own server where to upload/download them.

Here is the website: http://www.hostj2me.com/

It provides free hosting (5 mb) for your midlets and gives informations
on how to download them and so on. You can upload and manage your
midlets and even publish them on their "directory" with a screenshot
and brief description. Listing is optional for example if you're testing a
production midlet and don't want people to see it.

I found that site very useful so i hope you will too :)


20-07-2006, 05:47 PM
I'm interested in finding a cheap delivery system. So far all the ones out there take about 90% of the profit.

21-07-2006, 09:07 AM
I'm interested in finding a cheap delivery system. So far all the ones out there take about 90% of the profit.

Do you mean distribution channel/portal?
If so I was looking at http://www.clickgamer.com/apply.htm,
these are the benefits:

Apply to join Clickgamer today ...

-You receive 65% of sales revenue (55% for J2ME titles)
-The agreement is non-exclusive
-Use your own registration mechanism - no restrictions
-We actively promote your content through newsletters
-Periodic placement in featured site slots
-Industry recognition of your content
-Superb first-line support for your customers
-A genuinely friendly service from our staff
-Huge audience - we serve 1/2M - 1M pages per day

It's not much but 55% is not that bad, also with non-exclusive agreement
you can distribute your game on other portals too, increasing the profit

21-07-2006, 09:58 AM
Looks interesting...

Though they do not push the content out to the phones, they just provide a WAP page/link for people to download the games from. It depends if most phone users have a WAP connection or not.