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View Full Version : LEAF2 Game Engine

27-08-2006, 10:22 PM
The LEAF2 game engine was just released to the pubic last week. LEAF2 is a cross-platform, Object Pascal game engine written with Delphi. The new library was based off the lessons learned from the original LEAF engine.

<center>LEAF2 in Action:
http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/files/news/2006_08_27_leaf2_1.jpg (http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/files/news/2006_08_27_leaf2_1.jpg) http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/files/news/2006_08_27_leaf2_2.jpg (http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/files/news/2006_08_27_leaf2_2.jpg)</center>

It is currently compatable with both Delphi and Free Pascal compilers and supports the Win32 and Linux platforms. MacOS X is planned later on.

Some of it's main features include:

Powerful 3D OpenGL Renderer
Scene management using octrees
Cross-plataform window management
Sprite engine, with scaling, rotation and alphablending
Integrated resource manager for sound, textures and meshes
Material/Geometry shaders, supporting both GLSL and software targets
Supports both skeletal and keyframe animation
Realtime dynamic skydome, with day-night system
Realistic physics simulation using Newton
Advanced 3d audio system using OpenAL
Ogg streaming sound using OggVorbis
Complete vector math library
Network UDP Client/Server
Extensible scripting language (Pascal based)
Extensible GUI system (windows, buttons, icons, text)

The LEAF2 engine is now available for download at their website; leafproject.com.sapo.pt (http://leafproject.com.sapo.pt/leaf2.html)!

19-09-2006, 04:46 PM
So besides the creators, has anyone tried using this engine for a game project yet? :)

19-09-2006, 10:33 PM
Not yet, i might see how it copes with some flight sim stuff if I get time

20-09-2006, 09:26 PM
Yeah, I'd like to see someone use it for make some real games, because I currently don't have a good graphic card avaliable, and I don't really know how good is the performance for 3d stuff. Probably still needs some tweaks and optimizations. Any questions or suggestions, just ask :wink: