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View Full Version : Exporting scenes from Blender to Delphi OpenGL.

29-08-2006, 08:12 AM
I've created small script for exporting scenes from Blender (http://www.blender.org/). Source code of Delphi loader.

Delphi OpenGL source code and Python script for Blender:
http://www.xp108.com/files/blender10a.rar (413kb exe+src)

*.blend files can be downloaded from my web: http://www.xp108.com/

29-08-2006, 08:55 AM
Wow, sounds interesting. I'll be sure to have a look at that soon.

Interesting website you have there too :)

29-08-2006, 09:30 AM
It's very basic version. Developed as example for my russian tutorial.
Although it's able to show scenes like this:

30-08-2006, 09:47 AM
WOW! :)

тьфу ты... я уж подумал lightmap'ы, да и maimap так и не появился :(

31-08-2006, 12:33 AM
And also I've created a new example of very basic "In the style of Silent Hill" collision detection engine: http://www.xp108.com/files/silenthill.rar (285kb, exe+src)

COLLISION ENGINE - it's a new kind of collision detection technique. Very fast, most data is precomputed on loading stage. Based on Z-Buffer (Depth Buffer) 2D-to-3D data analysis. Comes with full source code and compiled example.

08-09-2006, 02:30 AM
Pre-release of BLENDER skeletal animation loader.
Includes: source code, exporter for Blender.
Feauteres: bone weights

Interpolation is under construction.
demo and exe: www.xp108.com / flies
/ armatures.z