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06-09-2006, 07:42 AM
CUPERTINO, Calif. - September 5, 2006 -Today, the Developer Tools Group of Borland Software announced the immediate availability of its new line of Turbo products, offering low-cost, rapid application development capabilities for students, hobbyist developers, occupational developers and individual professionals. Turbo Delphi for Win32, Turbo Delphi for .NET, Turbo C++ and Turbo C# are single language versions of Borland Developer Studio, a development environment for Microsoft Windows and .NET applications.

The Turbo products combine easy learning with significant productivity gains, providing a fun and accessible environment for developers to rapidly build high performance GUI, Database, Web, and Web Services applications for Microsoft Windows. Turbo Delphi for .NET and Turbo C# also support the Microsoft .NET and ASP.NET platforms. Turbo Delphi, Turbo Delphi for .NET, Turbo C++ and Turbo C# are available immediately in English, French, German and Japanese. For more information, development tips and ideas, or to purchase the Turbo products, visit www.turboexplorer.com.

Each Turbo product is available in two editions:

* Turbo Explorer editions, available as a free download, are fixed, all-in-one solutions that let programmers learn and develop in a single language and platform environment.
* Turbo Professional editions, priced at US$399, are extensible and customizable with over 200 pre-built drag-and-drop components. They are also designed to accept any of thousands of compatible third-party tools, components and plug-ins.

The Explorer editions can be downloaded here (http://www.borland.com/downloads/download_turbo.html)!

06-09-2006, 12:46 PM
Downloading right now. :o

06-09-2006, 12:59 PM
FAQ: http://bdn.borland.com/article/33659

06-09-2006, 03:38 PM
Yeah! downloading!!

little comment: the link is ended by a dot, when clicking it cannot find the page... ( www.turboexplorer.com./ )

08-09-2006, 01:04 PM
I found bug in IDE:

program Project1;

SysUtils; // Right mouse - Find Declaration

SysUtils : Integer; // IDE cursor go here :)

SP1 for BDS 2006 fix him, but Turbo Delphi... ;)

10-09-2006, 01:21 PM
So the question is whether the Turbo suite will have enough flexibility to make it the great hobbyist development ide that Borland hopes it is.

I'm discouraged that they felt they had to limit the software in some way before releasing it. At least if it didnt support some complex language structures such as interfaces or something, that would be better than cutting off support for 3rd party addons. Most commercial projects I've worked on have relied heavily on 3rd party components and controls, and as a freelance developer, the Turbo ide certainly wouldnt have cut it.

10-09-2006, 01:54 PM
Interfaces are not sexy enough to motivate people to buy the full product. I think Borland made the right decision, the ability to install custom components is interresting enough to buy the full version, while the free version can still be used to develop very interresting software.

If you want a fully free tool, that exists and it is called Lazarus.

10-09-2006, 02:25 PM
Most commercial projects I've worked on have relied heavily on 3rd party components and controls, and as a freelance developer, the Turbo ide certainly wouldnt have cut it.

It's not designed to be used by freelance developers or for full scale commercial projects. Freelance developers should be charging enough so that they can pay for the full version, while hobbiest developers can download and use the Turbo version.

15-09-2006, 05:45 AM
