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View Full Version : AV Error With GLScene

18-04-2014, 05:05 PM
Hi all,

I am using Rad Studio XE5 and the latest version of GLScene for XE5.

I started using GLScene a few days ago. Went through the tutorials and am now experimenting on my own. But as is usual with programming, I hit a brick wall.
When I put a TGLMaterialLibrary component on the form, add an item under materials and try to edit the material property, I get the following error:
"Access violation at address 1CF02845 in module 'GLScene_RuntimeXE5.bpl'. Read of address 00000058."
I couldn't find any solutions online. Can someone please help me with this? I have attached a picture of the error. Note that this error does not occur just with that property.


Thanks in advance.

Edit: Just realized I posted in the wrong place. Sorry about that.